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On The 1st Of February, The RTV Management Cancelled Nova24TV For 60,000 Households

“Today, the liberated Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS) switched off the Nova24TV programme from the transmitters for reception via antennas. Sixty thousand households can now only watch the ideologically brainwashed RTV. This is censorship of dissent. Golobism = fascism,” said Boris Tomasič, director of the media house Nova24TV.

As many as 60 thousand households with antenna transmitters, including those on the margins of the social bottom, have had their Nova24TV programme switched off as of the 1st of February.

This is a despicable move by the new RTV management, which is following the policy of the Robert Golob government to silence all critical media and to subjugate the media space to the very last voice.

Denying people access to quality content

It is important to note that Prime Minister Golob promised freedom in his pre-election speeches, but since taking power, he has been accelerating the construction of a media one-party state and taking on the media that point out his government’s despicable actions. So, Golob is doing everything that illiberal governments do, while the media workers of the broadcasting industry blindly follow him in subverting the democratic and pluralist space and helping to establish a totalitarian state in which the left has complete control over all institutions and the media.

Nova24TV is saddened by the extreme moves of the RTV management, which have left you without a quality television programme of various news and other programmes, and we invite you to follow us via our website, where you can always watch Nova24TV programme 1, programme 2, and Prva TV live.

The Editorial Board

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