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Ljudmila Novak Is the Strongest Ambassador of the Left-Wing in the European Parliament

Nova24TV has obtained a video clip from the European Parliament, showing MEP Ljudmila Novak listing a bunch of nonsense and attacking the government of Janez Janša once again. With this, she joined Blaž Zgaga, Tanja Fajon, Irena Joveva, and others who exported untruths to foreign countries.

According to Ljudmila Novak, Robert Golob was created as a result of the Janša government – because it dismissed several directors, because it did a purge on the national media outlet RTV Slovenia, as well as at the Slovenian Press Agency. And the Novak added that she was sorry to see that her party, the New Slovenia (Nova Slovenija – NSi), was a victim of these actions. Novak has apparently become the latest exporter of lies abroad, thus joining Blaž Zgaga and the likes, as she did not clarify that there are no purges happening on RTV, but instead, long-term forces are harassing and terrorising the rare few who are fighting for a more balanced programme, and she also did not make it clear that Golob was not actually dismissed or replaced, but that his term at the Gen-I energy company simply expired. The same thing happened with all of the other directors, while former director of the Slovenian Press Agency, Bojan Veselinović, grossly exploited the agency for his dirty political games and also violated several applicable regulations. At the end of his term, he was replaced by a new director, with whom the problems that Novak spoke about, miraculously disappeared.

Former President of the New Slovenia party and Member of European Parliament, Ljudmila Novak, was the biggest promoter of the left, and thus, she also contributed to Golob’s victory in the elections, which actually made her party, NSi, the victim. “I am sorry to say that my party is also the victim of such actions,” she said in the European Parliament. However, we must view all of her work in the light of the likelihood of her running for president of the republic, which means that if she wants to remain on the radar of the left-wing media, she must be aggressive towards Janša.

Novak is a mole of the left
Novak already started complaining about Janša at the time when she was still the head of the NSi party. With her moves, she steered the party to the left, forgetting the electorate of the party she led. At a time when it was clear that Marjan Šarec would no longer be leading the government and the SDS, NSi, DeSUS and SMC parties were considering the possibility of forming a new centre-right government, Novak did not miss the opportunity to slander Janša. “If anyone is hurting the right with their destructive actions and inappropriate tweets, it is the eternal president of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS),” she said. With this, she more than obviously wanted to hurt the integration of the Slovenian right.

As a Member of the European Parliament, she began advocating the expulsion of the Hungarian FIDESZ party from the European People’s Party and also supported the resolution condemning Hungary and Poland for “disrespecting” human rights. Although she was the representative of Christian democracy for many years, she did not take a firm stand against the spread of LGBT ideology in schools. “Janša always tries to make me out to be a leftist, but I am actually a Christian democrat,” she claims.

Instead of holding off on inappropriate comments at a time when the NSi party was part of the coalition, she even appeared on the show Studio City, where she criticised Janša, thus harming the public image of her own party. She accused Janša of being to blame for the situation at the Slovenian Press Agency, and claimed he was also to blame for the long-lasting complication regarding the election of European delegated prosecutors. She admitted that she herself was sceptical about the NSi entering the government. “I have my own opinion on this,” she made it clear but added that the Janša government had done a lot of good. “It managed the Presidency of the European Council very well. Unfortunately, though, the Prime Minister ensured that there were certain negative dramatic contributions, which cast a bad light on us,” she added.

By persistently presenting Novak as one of the most popular politicians, with the help of obedient media, the transitional left was able to use her to its advantage when the NSi party rose slightly on the scale of public opinion. What proves that this is actually the case and that it was all about artificially inflating Novak’s popularity, which was even higher than that of the President Borut Pahor at one time, is proven by the fact that Marta Kos and Nataša Pirc Musar are the ones who are currently being portrayed as the most suitable candidates for Pahor’s successors.

The NSi party won eight seats in parliament due to its integration policy, which is one more than four years ago. It seems that the showdown with Janša, which was Novak’s modus operandi, is not as desired among the voters of the NSi party as she perhaps thought and might still think. However, as Novak’s recent statements in Brussels show, she is clearly still trying to get the NSi party back on the path she led it down. It is clear to anyone with a little bit of common sense that the NSi voters are not exactly enthusiastic about Golob’s victory and the content of the coalition agreement, which is strongly marked by the views and positions of the Left party (Levica). Does Novak want the popularity of her party to decline again? She certainly never misses an opportunity to speak up.

Sara Kovač

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