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The Journalist Who Slandered Slovenia Abroad Will Run On the List of the Social Democrats Party

The “independent” journalist Blaž Zgaga has recently been richly awarded by the Social Democrats party (Socialni demokrati – SD) – with his candidacy for the position of an MP in the elections to the National Assembly, reports N1. Apparently, it paid off to write so many articles against the current Prime Minister Janez Janša, the SDS party, Patria, and the current government. However, Zgaga is not the first journalist who is against Janša to win a seat in the SD party. A few months ago, the tv show host Jonas Žnidaršič “earned” his candidacy, and a few years ago, it was the Delo and Dnevnik newspapers journalist, Dejan Karba. And last but not least, Tanja Fajon was also an “independent” journalist on RTV Slovenia before becoming a politician. 

The Social Democrats are actively preparing for the April parliamentary elections and are gathering all their “strength” to fight Janez Janša. Following the December announcement of the candidacy of actor and tv show host Jonas Žnidaršič on the list of the SD party, the list of candidates will apparently also be strengthened by journalist Blaž Zgaga. For the candidates of the SD party, it seems that the people who were most committed to attacking and lying about the current government in recent years are obviously the most suitable and best rewarded.

Blaž Zgaga was a journalist of the newspapers Večer and Delo, and in the last two years, he has been particularly actively involved in exporting lies abroad. Namely, he is the most productive export journalist, who makes sure that news gets across our borders – especially news that is very misleading and distorts the real picture of the situation in our country, according to the agenda of the left-wing opposition. Namely, Zgaga often sends letters to foreign press houses about the repression and restrictions of journalistic freedom in our country, and he also reported on the situation with the Slovenian Press Agency and even wrote about the “fascist” police in Slovenia. However, he only does this when the government is led by Janez Janša. It is worth mentioning that in 2007, he also wrote a public letter to European leaders and the media about censorship in Slovenia and signed the “Petition 571” – a so-called petition against censorship and political pressure on journalists in Slovenia. He also worked with Dejan Karba on the false Patria affair, which affected the outcome of the 2008 elections – namely, because of it, Janez Janša did not win again. It should be pointed out that Janša was later acquitted, and the Delo newspaper lost a lawsuit due to its false writing and slandering of Janša’s name and the slandering of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) in the Patria case.

He called police officers and nurses fascists
Zgaga is also very active on Twitter, where he only publishes content directed against the current government of Janez Janša. In one of his latest posts, he accused the Slovenian police and its Director-General, Anton Olaj, of turning the police into a fascist militia. He also attacked the Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, and insultingly called the Minister of Defence, Matej Tonin, a “collaborating home guard.” He even became the subject of a criminal investigation for insulting the police and its director-general and is now facing up to six months in prison. However, it was not only the police officers who he called fascists; he even described the nurses as fascist during the pandemic.

And these are the people who get a spot in and are part of the Social Democrats party. The more you hate Prime Minister Janez Janša, the more chances you have.

Sara Kovač

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