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Janša Writes To Iranian Rebel Freedom Fighters

The President of the largest opposition party, the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS), wrote a letter to the Iranian rebels, who are fighting a similar battle to the one Slovenia fought 31 years ago. Janša is known as a great defender of the freedom of the oppressed Iranian people – he also spoke at the Free Iran Summit last year, where he addressed political dissidents campaigning for change. We are publishing his letter in its entirety.

While just a few years ago, our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tanja Fajon, met with representatives of the dictatorial Iranian regime, which the Slovenian left has been coquettish with ever since the theocratic revolution, Janša addressed his letter to the Iranian people, who are actively fighting against the terror that has oppressed a once proud and progressive nation for more than four decades with fundamentalist Shi’ite Islam. You can read the letter in its entirety below.

“A message of solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising

Dear brave Iranians,

First of all, I want to congratulate you for rising up against the religious dictatorship. Unfortunately, more than 200 demonstrators have been killed since the middle of September as a result of shootings by the regime’s repressive forces. Hundreds have been injured and more than 10,000 have been arrested. Being myself a political prisoner twice, I know very well how high price is being paid today by the brave protesters. But this sacrifice will result tomorrow in freedom for the Iranian people.

We see that this wave of anti-regime protests broke out in all 31 provinces of Iran and that it is continuing despite the regime’s brutal repression and widespread arrests. It’s clear that organised nature of the protests has led to their persistence and resilience and that members of the Resistance units (MEK) are integrated within the broader society. On the video clips, we can see brave students, employees, workers etc., openly rejecting all forms of dictatorship. It’s clear that Iranian people widely reject misogyny and recognise full gender equality in all aspects and that they are in favour of a democratic republic based on the separation of religion and state.

We know that the brave Iranian people will overthrow the mullahs’ regime soon and all democratic and civilised world is supporting you. Resist Organise. Fight. Win.

Janez Janša”

Andrej Žitnik

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