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Head Of The National Bureau Of Investigation, Darko Muženič, Has A Direct Connection To The News Show 24ur, Via Journalist Damjana Seme

In the past, we have already reported that the commercial television station POP TV is a mainstream media outlet where “real names” are often published even before affected individuals find out what is going on, and we have also already explained that the link between the Police and POP TV is direct, and her name is Damjana Seme. She is a journalist at POP TV and partner of the Director of the Criminal Police Directorate, David Antolovič. This time, her connection to the Police was useful for the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, Darko Muženič, who, through a direct link to the news show 24ur, tried to justify the appointment of his new Assistant Director, with whom, according to our sources, he was even privately in a relationship. 

This time, the direct link between the Police and the commercial television station POP TV through the journalist Damjana Seme was used by Darko Muženič, Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, to justify the appointment of his new Assistant Director, criminal police officer Tanja Dužnik, who, according to our sources, is not qualified for this position. Even before the publication of the article about the appointment, we had already learned about Dužnik’s transfer from reliable sources who also told us that Muženič and Dužnik were in a relationship, so we also addressed questions about this to the Police, who denied the allegations. However, even before we got our answers, POP TV had already vindicated her credibility. The Seme-Police connection is obvious.

It is well known that POP TV has its sources on the political left, but it also has its sources in the criminal police, and this media house has been operating in a similar way of political-media “cooperation” throughout its time of being run by the news editor Tjaša Slokar Kos, through her husband and former agent Drago Kos. On Sunday, POP TV published the information that, with the return of Darko Muženič to the post of Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, the head of the Slovenian Police, Boštjan Lindav, has appointed the criminal police officer Tanja Dužnik, a law graduate with a state law exam, as his Assistant Director. The name of the journalist Seme has been mentioned several times in the past when talking about the leaking of information from the Police to POP TV, and this is not the first such case.
Slovenian Democratic Party MP Žan Mahnič pointed out this connection in a Tweet from 2021, writing: “When Damjana Seme demands on the 24ur web portal that the politics should publicly apologise to her partner David Antolović, a criminal police officer from the National Bureau of Investigation, who specialises in dealing with the Slovenian Democratic Party and Zdravko Počivalšek – can there really be any doubt about where the information from the Police is being leaked to the aforementioned web portal, Dr Olaj?”

We learned about Dužnik’s new job from our sources even before the news was official, and we also learned that Tanja Dužnik and Darko Muženič allegedly had an affair and that Dužnik even got a divorce because of it. On the 13th of August, we addressed questions about this to the Police, but as soon as on the 14th of August, Dužnik’s competence was already being vindicated by the television station POP TV, which wanted to avoid any doubt about her employment not being credible, and the Police spokesman also denied any claims about the alleged affair – which was to be expected.

The Police and POP TV immediately defended Dužnik
Later, the Police public relations representative himself, Drago Menegalija, responded to our questions with an identical answer to the one he gave to POP TV, namely, that the authorisation to perform the duties of Assistant Director of the National Bureau of Investigation was issued to Dužnik by the acting Director-General of the Police in order to replace the departure of Antolović to the post of Director of the Criminal Police Directorate and to ensure a smooth working process at the National Bureau of Investigation. Menegalija also explained her alleged qualifications: “Ms Tanja Dužnik is a university graduate of law with a state exam I law and specialist training with the so-called Banking School, organised by the Association of Banks of Slovenia. She has so far carried out the most complex criminal investigations of suspected criminal offences in the National Bureau of Investigation’s field of work, and she was also supposed to work in the working group for solving the backlog of the Ljubljana Police Directorate in the field of economic crime. Prior to joining the National Bureau of Investigation, she was employed in the legal service of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, where she performed the most complex tasks in this area of work. She is, therefore, an investigator with a broad knowledge in various and demanding areas of work, is professional and competent, and fulfils all the conditions for the post of Assistant Director of the National Bureau of Investigation.

Despite his explanation, some people still doubt her credentials, including the former Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, who commented on Twitter that “the new Assistant Director at the National Bureau of Investigation is the criminal police officer and lawyer Tanja Dužnik. Her best-known reference is that she collected signatures against the replacement of Muženič. We can only guess what her lesser known, but perhaps even more crucial reference might be.”

The leaking of information to POP TV is a regular feature
POP TV has often proved to be the media murder weapon of the left-wing networks.
During the term of the government of Marjan Šarec, they did not even particularly try to hide that fact. Our media outlet revealed, among other things, that even Tjaša Slokar Kos and Šarec’s influential adviser Damir Črnčec often had private meetings in different bars in Ljubljana. The deep state’s journalistic throat Suzana Perman was receiving secret information from the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency at a time when they were denouncing the then-Slovenian Democratic Party MP Žan Mahnič for allegedly revealing classified information. And let’s not forget, POP TV directly dictated the ideological fight against Janez Janša before the 2018 parliamentary elections, when they forced all representatives of parliamentary parties to publicly say that they would not form a government with Janez Janša.

Ana Horvat

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