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Extremists In Ljubljana Demanded Israel’s Annihilation And Shouted “Allahu Akbar”

At Thursday’s rally in support of the Palestinians, we saw a Palestinian accused of rape, the former partner of a Freedom Movement party (Gibanje Svoboda) spokeswoman, and politicians from the extreme Left party (Levica). Among other things, the Palestinians chanted anti-Semitic slogans in English about wiping out Israel, and when they got to the Prešeren Monument, they shouted “Allahu Akbar”!

On Thursday, a group of people openly supporting Palestinian terrorists gathered in Republic Square for a rally in support of the Palestinians. This happened on the very day that the European Parliament almost unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning the terrorist attack on Israel by the Palestinian Hamas movement and expressing concern about the intensification of anti-Semitic speech, rallies and attacks against Jews since the beginning of the Hamas attack. And the latter is exactly what happened on Thursday in Ljubljana.

The rally also had the support of the ruling Left party, as it was attended by radical Left party MPs Miha Kordiš and Nataša Sukić. The Left previously supported Russia’s fascist occupation of Ukraine, and today, it supports the terrorists of Hamas.

Did the Palestinians not brutally murder more than 1,300 civilians on the first day of their attack on Israel?

And what did those present say? “The voice of those of us who are here today is small compared to the horrors we are witnessing right now, but it is urgent that we are here, urgent that we show our support for Palestinian men and Palestinian women, for all those who are currently facing the threat of genocide, for all those who have suffered for decades under Israeli repression and for all those who have had to flee from it and are here with us today,” said a spokeswoman for the organisers, the Movement for Palestinian Rights (Gibanje za pravice Palestincev). She called on the government to do everything in its power to stop the violence. “Tweeting statements of condolence is not enough,” she criticised them. “Genocide must be stopped, apartheid must end,” she stressed, without retrospect into the utterly despicable actions of the Palestinians that led to the bloody war.

Several Palestinians – from Slovenia, Israel and the West Bank, also spoke, and the latter’s statements were read out by the organisers. During the speeches, there were several calls for support for the Palestinian people and for Slovenia to recognise the State of Palestine.

Palestinians would wipe out Israel

During the speeches, protesters shouted slogans in support of Palestine, including “Free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. The slogan “From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea” is an extremely dangerous statement that envisages a state in the area of Israel and, therefore, its obliteration. Participants also held banners comparing Gaza to the Auschwitz concentration camp and warning that Israel is practising apartheid against the Palestinians. At the end, they also lit smoke torches in the colours of the Palestinian state.

At the end of the rally, the Ljubljana Police Directorate explained that the event had been registered beforehand and that no breaches of law and order had been detected so far. After the rally, the Palestinian supporters left for other parts of Ljubljana, chanting loudly. When they stormed Prešeren Square, a symbol of Slovenian culture, they chanted “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great).

Sara Kovač

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