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Did the Public Prosecutor’s Office Save Čeferin From Prosecution During His Candidacy at UEFA?

The web portal Požareport published an exclusive court document written by Miloš Njegoslav Milović, one of Aleksander Čeferin’s former confidants, to the Ljubljana District Court, publicly describing how the “famously most honest” Law Firm Čeferin actually operates.

Miloš Njegoslav Milović may not be the most well-known name to the general Slovenian public, but the experts of the Slovenian political scene have heard of him before, as he is one of the major actors from the background of the “deep state.” We have already written about the former special agent of the police, the security chief of the late Janez Drnovšek, and also the confidant of Aleksander Čeferin, who, according to Požareports, moved on to the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, for whom he still supposedly performs certain “dirty” work. We also wrote about him in connection with the financing of the rebellious protests organised by the leader of the party (the Truth), Zoran Stevanović. These days, Milović supposedly officially presents himself as an entrepreneur from Kamnik (he is also the man who bought the mansion Katzenberg), and he operates under the auspices of the VPS svetovanje d.o.o. company (VPS advising), which, according to publicly available data, recorded around 418 thousand euros of revenue in 2020.

Čeferin’s confidant finds himself part of criminal proceedings
Years ago, Milović allegedly found himself part of a criminal proceeding related to the Kočevje railway reconstruction, along with the former director of the railway construction company (SŽ-ŽGP), Leon Kostiov, and Nihad Bešić, owner of the now-defunct company NB Inženiring (NB engineering). At the time, the media did not really follow what was going on, much less report on it.

Milović is found guilty, but he denies it – in a letter
Renovations of the Kočevje railway were led by the company SŽ-ŽGP, which is owned by Slovenian Railways. When Bešić’s company was selected as one of the subcontractors, which also received around 390,000 euros from SŽ-ŽGP, suspicions later arose that this was a fictitious contract and illegal outflow of money in a project that was worth millions of euros. This was later also confirmed by the specialised state prosecutor’s office, which also filed indictments after the court investigation. While one of the participants admitted to being guilty, Milović decided to take a different route. Before the Higher Court in Ljubljana made its decision, he sent a signed letter to the District Court in Ljubljana describing what exactly happened.

In his letter, he accused Aleksander Čeferin and his friends
The content of the letter, which was also published by Požareport, is, in its own way, a horrifying story, which shows the ugly side of the world of the mentioned players in this story. This is an exclusive court document on the Slovenian transition from the background, written by the man “from the inside” himself, who, in his letter, accused Aleksander Čeferin of being the person who wanted to illegally pocket 325 thousand euros of public money, along with Bešić, because the Slovenian Railways are a state company. They wanted to do it by issuing an invoice from the contractor for some of the works.

“Take the blame; the Čeferin family will save you”
In his letter, Milović also explained the task of the specialised prosecutor Boštjan Jeglič, as he had to save Aleksander Čeferin from a court investigation and then before possible criminal proceedings, as he was running for the position of president of the UEFA, but he could not have become one if he was being investigated.

And as a cherry on top, Milović also explained the role offered to him by lawyer Luka Zajc (today, he is the head of Aleksander Čeferin’s cabinet at the UEFA headquarters in Switzerland, and he is also Čeferin’s relative) from the Law Firm Čeferin. Namely, he asked Milović to take the blame for the whole thing and be the scapegoat while they would arrange for him to stay out of prison without a lawsuit for damages from Slovenian Railways.

For the Čeferin family, this is not the first such case of “saving” someone from the law
Milović obviously rejected the offer, as the Higher Court sentenced him to practically the highest possible sentence for this crime in November of last year – two years in prison and an additional fine of 15 thousand euros. Given all of this, Milović likely filed an appeal, while Čeferin’s office maintains an image of “quasi-honesty,” as if this whole thing did not even happen. According to Požareport, sources from the judiciary say that Miloš N. Milović was the first to dare publicly describe the dirty work of the Law Firm Čeferin and Aleksander Čeferin himself. Given that Milović was Čeferin’s confidant, this can be understood as a credible story from the background that came to light because Milović was trying to save his skin. Požareport also pointed out that this is not the first story in which Aleksander Čeferin and prosecutor Boštjan Jeglić were both involved, reminding the readers of the case of businessman Darijo Južna, who, after Jeglič already did quite a number on him, in the name of the state, thanked Čeferin for helping him stay out of prison.

Tanja Brkić

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