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Citizens Are Not Satisfied With the Democracy in Slovenia – But How Could They Be, After All of This?

In general, Slovenians are pretty satisfied with our lives, but we are dissatisfied with the functioning of democracy in our country, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey. “In a country where the deep state, with its State Security Administration mafia, dependent judiciary and media, dominates a larger part of society, democracy can merely scrape by. Regardless of all the propaganda, people will still feel this,” Prime Minister Janez Janša commented on the results of the survey.

The European Parliament (Eurobarometer’s) survey for autumn 2021 was conducted between the 1st of November and the 2nd of December 2021 in all 27 EU Member States. The basic rule was to take into account the political and social context at the time of the survey in order to get more accurate results. This rule has proven to be even more relevant when it comes to public opinion in recent years, and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first important conclusion of the survey is that, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union has remained positive, which is a very positive indicator, compared to the previous crises that the EU has faced in the last decade. Confidence in the EU has even strengthened on the part of the EU’s population, and democracy is one of the most important values that the respondents believe the European Union must represent. And it is precisely the functioning of democracy that Slovenians are not satisfied with, in our country, according to the Eurobarometer survey.

But how could the citizens ever be satisfied with the level of democracy in Slovenia if the left does not allow for higher wages, the electric energy tycoons keep raising prices, and the deep state with the dependent judiciary and media controls most of our society?

According to the Eurobarometer survey, less than one in ten people in Slovenia is satisfied with the functioning of democracy in our country. In general, only 32 percent of all respondents were satisfied with the functioning of democracy in Slovenia, and SDS MP Žan Mahnič wondered on social media how they could be satisfied at all. He wrote: “How could they be? The media are being controlled by tycoons Petrič, Odlazek and Petan. The Constitutional Court has six judges who are radical leftists. The electric energy tycoons have raised the prices of our bills. The left does not allow higher wages. There have been no investments made in infrastructure, nursing homes, or schools for years…”

And really, with all of this, how are we supposed to be satisfied with the level of democracy in our country?

Tanja Brkić

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