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Beware: NGOs Are Organising A Dangerous Anti-Semitic Rally

The Movement for Palestinian Rights intends to organise a rally on Thursday, the 19th of October, at 5 p.m., in Ljubljana’s Republic Square. Thus, they will join the rallies of extremists across Europe who make no secret of their racist, anti-Semitic and terrorist intentions. For this reason, the security authorities should monitor the rally with the utmost vigilance.

In light of what is happening in the Middle East, many people are feigning ignorance about the fact that the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, whose aim is to destroy Israel and kill the Jews living there, controls the political life of Gaza. In 2006, it won elections to the Palestinian parliament, consolidated its political power, and ousted the rival Fatah movement of President Mahmoud Abbas. Hamas retains a majority to this day, which means that Palestinians overwhelmingly support this form of governance. Although it is well known that as long as Gaza is ruled by Hamas, which kidnaps and kills innocent civilians, it will not be possible to resolve the problems diplomatically, there are nevertheless some who have been passionately committed to giving Palestine a state of its own in recent weeks. However, it is also well known that the latter has been offered statehood several times throughout history but has refused to accept it because it would have had to recognise Israel.

The Facebook page of the Movement for Palestinian Rights, which invites people to take part in the rally, states that Gaza is on the verge of being wiped out. “It is under constant bombardment. A ground invasion has begun, and genocide is imminent. Israel is deliberately targeting homes, markets, schools, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure, and has publicly labelled Palestinian men and Palestinian women as ‘human animals’,” they state, criticising the silence of the international community. They say they are disturbed by the fact that several countries support the Israeli attacks, describing them as a right to self-defence. They believe it is urgent for Slovenia to actively advocate for “an end to the apartheid policy and the occupation under which the Palestinian population lives”. “Genocide must stop, apartheid must end. For solidarity with Palestine, for a free Palestine! See you there!” the invitation reads.

Behind the scenes, there are once again NGOs that are fed by our money

The move by the Movement for Palestinian Rights comes as no surprise, since a few days ago, at the initiative of the latter, more than 40 NGOs sent an appeal to Prime Minister Robert Golob and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon, calling on them to immediately withdraw their support for Israel. In addition, they also unanimously called for an end to economic and political cooperation with Israel and for the recognition of Palestine as an independent state. Their call has upset the public on social media, as taxpayers’ money seems to be flowing into organisations that support terrorism.

Thursday’s rally in support of Hamas was initiated by Nada Pretnar from the Movement for Palestinian Rights, which has been organising various events for many years to raise awareness of what is happening in Palestine. As she told the Delo newspaper in an interview, her father had a business relationship with the Palestinian businessman Mohamad Abdulrahim as a director of the company Slovenijales. Pretnar has visited Palestine several times since 2011. “Recognition of Palestine is urgent. It is a political responsibility,” she believes. In the past, she has also been part of pro-China initiatives.

Urša Regvar from the Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (PIC) is mentioned as the organiser of the rally. She has been working at the Centre since 2018 and is involved in the field of migration and asylum. “As part of the AMIF project, she provided legal assistance and counselling to applicants for international protection from 2018 to 2020. Since 2020, she has been providing legal assistance and counselling to applicants for international protection under the UNHCR project,” reads the website of the umbrella network of Slovenian NGOs – CNVOS.

PIC, where Regvar is employed, receives public funding. In the period from 2003 to date, they have received a total of 2,519,704.74 euros, of which 37,809.96 was received in September. The Ministry of the Interior is considered one of their biggest funders, having paid them a total of 1,170,195.02 euros so far. Other payers include the District Court in Ljubljana, the Ministry of the Economy (Consumer Protection Office), the Eco Fund and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

“This is how foreign wars are being brought to our soil with migrants and the left-wing fifth column. It is an extremely dangerous thing to do, based on manipulation. Because if they were serious about ending violence, this should have been a rally against the Hamas terrorists who horrifically tortured and murdered the peace activists in the attack”, commented MP Branko Grims from the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS), referring to the rally entitled “March for Palestine: end to violence, end to apartheid” organised by the Movement for Palestinian Rights on Thursday.

N. H.

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