It is sad to see that the coalition Left party (Levica) does not even know how much public housing has already been built and how much is yet to be built since the start of their term. One way or another (“more than two thousand”), this number is still a long way from the magic figure of 30 thousand (in one mandate), as they first announced. In any case, the key objective of the government’s policy should be: to enable young families to get cheap property of their own, which requires a lot of deregulation.
Throughout the entire term of office of the current government of Robert Golob, we have witnessed a dithering about the number of newly built public housing units, and the question arises as to how many were actually started by the previous government of Janez Janša, and are now being boasted about in public by the representatives of the current ruling class.
In the Left party, they first promised 30,000 new rental flats (then 20,000 over two mandates; the question is also who elected them for two mandates?!), and finally, the coordinator of the party, Asta Vrečko, boasted of 2,000 flats, and even this information was not convincing. Prime Minister Golob had to correct her that it was only the “start of construction” of more than two thousand flats. It is also worth noting that on Monday, the coalition partners met for a summit at Brdo pri Kranju to discuss the key objectives for the remainder of the mandate.
Takšne pravljice so možne le, ker naš medijski trg monopolizira depolitizirana. Ukinimo državno in prisilno financiranje medijev!
— Libertarec (@Libertarec) March 18, 2025
Inconsistency, even in lying
“They can’t even coordinate among themselves about how they are going to lie. And housing was one of the three topics discussed at the coalition summit. Let’s free Slovenia from the Freedom Movement coalition,” wrote MP Andrej Hoivik of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS). Political analyst Tomaž Štih also responded to Vrečko’s boasting: “Such fairy tales are only possible because our media market is monopolised by the depoliticised. Let’s abolish state and coercive funding of the media!” Let us also note that the ruling team, with Vrečko at the helm, tried to impose a censorship-based Media Law, which fortunately failed.
Vrečko would have generously financed media tycoons
The proposed bill was heavily criticised on both the left and the right. Vrečko and her team at the Ministry of Culture were convinced that the time had come for indiscriminate media censorship and the shameless funding of media tycoons. But she was wrong. Media tycoons are already well-funded, with Martin Odlazek and his media empire standing out in particular.
Domen Mezeg