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Another “Missed Shot” By Golob – He Was Praising Biden’s Vitality Just A Few Days Ago

Just a few days ago, Prime Minister Robert Golob was praising the vitality of the US President Joe Biden, but now, the latter has withdrawn from the presidential race due to health reasons. This has led many to wonder whether Golob is capable of logical judgement and whether he even follows politics. Meanwhile, Janša already predicted years ago what is happening today and was subjected to a media pogrom.

Prime Minister Robert Golob has repeatedly shown in the past that he is incapable of making judgements about who is and who is not suitable for certain positions. This has been demonstrated by numerous resignations and personnel changes and, ultimately, by the apparent incompetence of some of those still in their positions today. Apparently, he is not good at logical reasoning even when the whole world is helping him – the latest example are Golob’s statement about how “agile” the US President is, but the latter withdrew from the presidential race a few days later and admitted himself that it was for the best.

Despite the fact that the mainstream media and, ultimately, Joe Biden‘s PR department tried their utmost to conceal or downplay Biden’s state of health, this – especially after his confrontation with Donald Trump – was no longer possible. While many world leaders, including former Prime Minister Janez Janša, expressed concern about the US President’s health condition, Golob praised his agility. One would have expected the Prime Minister to be fully aware of the world political scene, but the only thing Golob seems to be familiar with is sporting events.

Needless to say, Golob came off as a fool, especially now that even Biden himself has come to terms with his health condition. Janša mockingly shared on X a collage consisting of Golob’s statement and the news of Biden’s resignation.

The fact is that Biden has been visited several times in recent months by a Parkinson’s specialist, which only confirmed the doubts that both outside observers and members of his own party had. After several calls, Biden has now finally resigned from the presidential race, and even he has admitted that he believes this is in the interests of his party and also of the USA, which needs a strong leader now more than ever.

Janša was right

But Janša already knew all of this before the 2020 US elections, when he predicted that Biden would be one of the weakest US presidents and expressed his support for Trump. “We respect the difficult, tragic personal life of Joe Biden and some of his political achievements from years ago. But today, if elected, he would be one of the weakest presidents in history – at a time when the free world desperately needs a STRONG USA more than ever before. Go, win, Donald Trump,” he wrote.

His statement on X was followed by numerous rebukes from left-wing politicians and the mainstream media, with former Slovenian Foreign Minister Ivo Vajgl even saying that his statement was “incorrect” and a “disgrace”. But it turns out that Janša was right – his prediction has come true. Indeed, Joe Biden was the weakest US President ever, a puppet exploited by his colleagues and the Obamas.

Biden is quite old already, but what is Golob’s excuse?

Nevertheless, very few people were actually surprised by Golob’s statement – he has shocked the public many times since he came to power, and he is no good at judging people’s competence for certain positions. “He has similarly assessed the suitability of his team to perform ministerial and other tasks,” wrote Tomaž Štih on his X profile, called Libertarec.

One would expect a so-called “top manager” to make more rational decisions when selecting people to run the country, or at least to check the competencies of the candidates, but we have seen numerous resignations or personnel changes due to scandals and corruption, or the inability to see a task through to the end. After all, we have Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, a self-proclaimed expert on the healthcare system, as the Minister for Health, where there should be experienced staff, and finally, we have Emilia Stojmenova Duh as the Minister of Digital Transformation. The latter is facing a second interpellation due to several criticisms of her work.

The electorate and the general public expect leaders to be able to select competent people for important positions and to have a realistic and critical view of international and domestic affairs. However, Golob’s incompetence and controversial statements only further demonstrate his (in)ability to run a country, to handle complex political situations and, ultimately, his apparent disinterest or even ignorance on the political floor.

T. B.

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