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A young Slovenian woman living in Austria warned a German journalist about the spread of fake news regarding the Janša government!

“These are just a few of the countless anomalies that exist in Slovenia. Mostly because the country is still relatively young and there are strong left-wing ideological networks in Slovenia’s institutions and media,” Viktorija replied to a German journalist who had made false claims about the government of Janez Janša. Alongside her comment, she also presented the real achievements of Janša´s government.

One of the journalists from the German media outlet ZDF Heute quoted on Twitter the news about the outcome of the Slovenian national elections held on 24 April. The news was published by the Hungarian left-wing media Nepszava, which used to be the official newspaper of the Hungarian Socialist Party, but now supports the opposition Socialists. The misconceptions and misinformation quoted by the German journalist on Twitter were also commented on by a Slovenian, Viktorija, who was born in Austria. She warned him that he should have checked the information before publishing it, and then presented him with facts proving the contrary of what he had published.

Spreading of the fake news by the left-wing media
German journalist Wolf-Christian Ulrich, a reporter for ZDF Heute, tweeted: “This is how Nepszava from Hungary comments on Janša’s dismissal: ‘Slovenians had enough of Janša’s power games. In Ljubljana, corruption and mockery of democratic values is a red line that society is not ready to cross.” In the face of countless false and unverified information on the internet, this is nothing new, and it is not surprising that the article comes from a left-wing Hungarian daily, which was originally the official newspaper of the Social Democrats, whose idea of democracy is something quite opposite to its actual definition, as we are also witnessing in Slovenia.

Janša´s direction of Slovenia was toward Europe, the left´s direction leads towards Putin
Viktorija K.D., a Slovene, responded to the article, and warned the journalist that his subjectivity was damaging not only his reputation but also that of the media as a whole, and informed him of facts to the contrary of his publication, namely that the government of Janez Janša, despite facing a pandemic crisis, had managed to reduce the unemployment rate to a record 4.1% during the state of emergency, and at the same time achieved the highest GDP growth rate in the EU. And that Slovenia was ranked second in the financial media The Economist’s ranking of how effectively it dealt with the economic consequences of the pandemic, while at the same time being ranked ninth in sustainable development under the current government. It also mentioned Janša’s orientation towards pro-European policies, while also mentioning the orientation towards pro-Russian policies that the winner of the elections, Robert Golob, had already mentioned himself.

There is a reason for the distrust towards the Slovenian judiciary
As the German journalist also wrote about Janez Janša’s violation of democratic principles, the Slovenian living in Graz corrected him on this point and pointed out the reasons why the Slovenian population’s trust in the judiciary is one of the lowest in the EU, touching on the “Masleša diploma affair”, which is still not fully clarified, and Masleša’s suspicious past, stressing that anyone who points out anomalies of this kind is immediately removed from his position.

Three parties swept out of the parliament by the people
She also commented on the current opposition, writing that the minority government of Marjan Šarec had been a failure, while »citizens’ distrust of the opposition was also reflected in the recent elections, when only two of the five former government parties were elected to parliament. These two parties also lost more than 50% of the vote, in contrast to the 2018 elections.«

The imbalance of the media is evident
Victoria, who closely follows the political situation in Slovenia, pointed out, among other things, that the media in Slovenia contributes significantly to the manipulative presentation of the above, and that she herself has noticed how in the last two years the media has reported virtually none of the successes of the current government, which is shocking, while negative issues fill their content. She cited the imbalance of the media space as the main problem, as evidenced by the election victory by a large margin of an unknown new face, and also criticised the clear one-sidedness of national television, which invites mainly left-leaning guests to its programmes, or NGOs whose publications are vulgar and openly insulting to Janez Janša.

“These are just a few of the countless anomalies that exist in Slovenia. This is mainly because the country is still relatively young and there are strong left-wing ideological networks in institutions and the media,” she wrote.

Tanja Brkic

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