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Slovenian News In ENGLISH


Slovenia: Young woman’s death confirmed to be related to Janssen vaccine

A commission appointed to examine the death of a 20-year-old woman after she was given the Janssen vaccine in September announced its unanimous assessment that the death was “definitely linked” to the vaccination. The investigation confirmed the vaccination led to the thrombotic thrombocytopenia in the woman. Upon suspending the use of the vaccine, the government …

Slovenia: Young woman’s death confirmed to be related to Janssen vaccine Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša in talked with Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg

Yesterday Prime Minister Janez Janša held a video conference call with Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg. The two interlocutors assessed the state of the Covid-19 epidemic and exchanged information and experiences with anti-pandemic measures and their effects. They also addressed the key issues discussed at European Council meetings and preparations for the forthcoming European Council meeting …

Prime Minister Janez Janša in talked with Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg Read More »

RTV Programme Council Confirms the Programme-Production Plan for Next Year With a Strong Majority

With 17 votes in favour, the RTV Programme Council approved the Programme-Production Plan for the year 2022. The management team of the national media outlet RTV Slovenia thanked the councillors for their support.  Director-General Andrej Grah Whatmough, Valentin Areh, and Mirko Štular later presented more information at Tuesday’s press conference. At its 32nd regular session …

RTV Programme Council Confirms the Programme-Production Plan for Next Year With a Strong Majority Read More »

[Exclusive] The Court of Audit Has Issued a Positive Opinion to the Social Democrats Party, Which Is Ripe for Bankruptcy!

The Court of Audit is the body that is, according to the Constitution, the highest body for the control of state accounts, the state budget, and total public spending in the Republic of Slovenia. Therefore, there is no doubt that we have a body in our country that offers professional and independent advice to those …

[Exclusive] The Court of Audit Has Issued a Positive Opinion to the Social Democrats Party, Which Is Ripe for Bankruptcy! Read More »

The Non-Credibility of In’t Veld’s Report Confirmed: After MEP Fajon’s “Proof-Reading” Came the Admission That Outsiders Also Interfered With the Report

“And now, finally, we have also received an explanation from the Dutch MEP Sophie in’t Veld that those who are not part of the missions of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justices and Home Affairs (LIBE), can nevertheless still help prepare the reports, and supposedly, this often happens. ‘Now, can we please stop this,’ Sophie …

The Non-Credibility of In’t Veld’s Report Confirmed: After MEP Fajon’s “Proof-Reading” Came the Admission That Outsiders Also Interfered With the Report Read More »

Italy to help Slovenia tackle Covid with army medical teams

The Italian Army plans to help Slovenia with up to 30 doctors and nurses as the country battles an increasing number of Covid-19 patients. The Italian Army healthcare workers will be joining the medical teams of the Slovenian Armed Forces, who started helping hospitals at the beginning of the week, after Slovenian Defence Minister Matej …

Italy to help Slovenia tackle Covid with army medical teams Read More »

PM Orban: Fifth wave to come unless everyone is vaccinated

We are “up to our ears” in the fourth wave, and the worst of the epidemic is yet to come, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban told public radio MR1 on Friday morning. Vaccination is the only thing that can protect us, he emphasized in the interview. Reaffirming his previous statements, the Hungarian premier underlined that …

PM Orban: Fifth wave to come unless everyone is vaccinated Read More »

MEP Romana Tomc: Due to Tanja Fajon’s Interference, the European Report on the Situation in Slovenia Is Not Balanced, Impartial, or Good

“This certainly indicates that Tanja Fajon participated in the preparation of the report of the European delegation. This is extremely unusual, reprehensible, and inadmissible,” said MEP Romana Tomc in her response to the latest affairs involving Tanja Fajon and her assistant Jure Tanko – namely, the document that was being prepared by the Democracy, Rule …

MEP Romana Tomc: Due to Tanja Fajon’s Interference, the European Report on the Situation in Slovenia Is Not Balanced, Impartial, or Good Read More »

[The Assistant Affar] This Is an Act Without Precedent, a Step Beyond Anything We Have Ever Experienced in Slovenia – MEP Fajon Should Resign!

With the recent revelation that MEP Tanja Fajon’s accredited assistant was involved in the exported affair of sullying Slovenia in Brussels, there is absolutely a need to react to what happened. This is a scandal without precedent that cannot simply be swept under the rug – but the question is whether the majority media will …

[The Assistant Affar] This Is an Act Without Precedent, a Step Beyond Anything We Have Ever Experienced in Slovenia – MEP Fajon Should Resign! Read More »