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Lies Upon Lies: This Is How The Freedom Movement MP Exposed The Lies Of Gen-I President Of The Management Board

The Gen-I energy company’s Balkan dealings, specifically the transfers from Gen-I’s Serbian subsidiary to the companies of Kosovo’s Ambassador to Croatia, Martin Berishaj, have long been a source of concern. But although Gen-I claimed that it did not have access to the subsidiary’s data that could shed light on the situation, this has now been exposed as a lie by none other than a Freedom Movement (Gibanje Svoboda) MP, who used to work for Gen-I.

Martin Berishaj was repeatedly paid large sums of money, which he withdrew shortly after receiving them. It is not clear where the money then ended up. The Prime Minister, Robert Golob, who headed Gen-I for many years, refused to explain, claiming that the allegations of Balkan business dealings were just fabrications by the opposition to settle the score with the ruling party.

The President of the Management Board of Gen-I, Maks Helbl, first said in an episode of Tarča (Target) in 2023 that Berishaj had a consultancy contract with Gen-I Belgrade. Berishaj also stated the same before the Kosovo Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry: “I was not in the business of selling energy, I was giving them a political view of the strategies that a country has in a certain situation,” he said.

Since it is more than obvious that Berishaj withdrew the cash, Helbl was then asked on the show why they did not disclose these contracts if everything was done according to the rules. “These are the business documents of a subsidiary,” Helbl insisted, claiming that, therefore, they are not allowed to disclose these contracts, and the business of the subsidiaries is practically none of their business. “The parent company, i.e. the Slovenian company, has, in fact, no direct connection with the actual business of the subsidiary Geni-i Belgrade. So, it has no direct connection with this contractual relationship,” Helbl stated.

In light of the insistence of Gen-I’s management, the recent statement by Freedom Movement MP Andreja Živic, who worked as an accountant, financier and tax expert at Gen-I, is therefore all the more interesting. “I have also worked with the company, the Serbian company, with all the companies in Eastern Europe and with the parent company. And if Gen-I couldn’t get the data, it couldn’t even produce the monthly balance sheets that it uses to monitor the result, it couldn’t even produce the consolidated annual reports. Which means that the separate operations, the consolidated operations of the subsidiaries and the parent company of Gen-I are shown,” she stated.

Andrej Poglajen, an MP from the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS), responded to the MP’s disclosure by saying, “It is good that you said that Gen-I can obtain data from the subsidiary Gen-I Serbia, because the President of the Management Board, Maks Helbl, said on the show Tarča, that this is not possible. That is to say, you, as a former Gen-I employee, have now confirmed that this is possible. That means that it is possible to get this information, but Gen-I refuses to disclose the transfers that were going on down there.”

In light of Helbl’s previous statement that the parent company Gen-I has no direct link to its subsidiary in Belgrade and the statement by the Freedom Movement that they have always had access to the data, the SDS party parliamentary group is wondering who is lying. “The mask has fallen, the truth has been revealed – now it is clear why they tried so hard to cover their tracks,” they concluded. We have also asked Gen-I to comment on the revelations made by the MP. We will publish their response as soon as we receive it.

S. K

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