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Foreign Minister Fajon Has An Outspoken Admirer Of Tito Employed As Her Public Relations Officer

For some time now, we have been noticing that the left has serious problems with condemning all totalitarian regimes, including communism. Many of the left’s representatives even glorify the latter, wear red stars, sing revolutionary songs, make pilgrimages to Čebine (where the Communist Party of Slovenia was first established), etc. And recently, we have received information that the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, has employed an open admirer of the dictator Tito – Milica Kotur – as her public relations officer at the Foreign Ministry. In light of this, it is worth noting that on Friday, the 22nd of August, Europe marked the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of All Totalitarian Regimes!

In Slovenia, some people are still unable to condemn all the criminal totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, including communism, which has swallowed tens of millions of innocent human lives around the world. In particular, members of the transitional left and representatives of the current government often have serious problems with this. We have been reminded that one such example is Milica Kotur, a strategic communications officer at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

“I have to contact you regarding the events at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because this is beyond all bounds of reason. Milica Kotur was appointed head of the Ministry’s public relations department a few days ago. To show you what kind of person she is, I am reposting her writings from Facebook, where she describes herself as a “Yugoslovenian” and praises her personal heroes, Tito and Jovanka Broz.”

In line with the Non-Aligned Movement’s policy

“This is what the people who govern us are like,” reads the message, which also included photos of Kotur’s Facebook profile, where she often praises Tito and the Yugoslavian regime. This is clearly in line with the Non-Aligned Movement’s policy guidelines, which can also be seen in Foreign Minister Fajon’s work, especially when it comes to the issue of Gaza and the attitude towards Iran and the oppression of women’s and other human rights in that theocratic state.

Domen Mezeg

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