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Geert Wilders: Dutch society is being replaced by migrants

The winner of last year’s Dutch parliamentary elections, the right-wing Geert Wilders, is strongly against migration. He won on a ticket of stopping mass illegal immigration in the country if he succeeds in forming a government, and pledges to also vote against migration in all European Council decisions.

Freedom Party (PVV) chief, Geert Wilders, who came out victorious in the Netherlands’ parliamentary elections, is still in coalition talks, trying to form a government. The process could drag on for some time, as his views were considered too radical just a few years ago. But today, the right-wing politician has been vindicated, especially regarding the political and social consequences of migration.

„We are going for a right-wing cabinet. The Dutch will be put back in first place with significant tax breaks for citizens and no painful mega cuts. Also, a lot fewer asylum seekers and a freezing of incomers. I hope it works so that new elections are not necessary,” Mr Wilders wrote on his social media page.

The politician’s warnings stated years ago have now become reality. The Dutch population is being replaced by immigrants, often Muslims. „In our three big cities Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, more than 50% of newborns are children of immigrants. The Dutch will soon be a minority. The Netherlands will become a backward Islamic,” he said in a video posted on social media recently, which was no doubt recorded recently in a parliamentary session. He added that the Dutch will soon be a minority and that the Netherlands will be a backward Islamic country, a veritable hell on earth.”

Another video of him is also going viral on the internet, in an earlier interview he said that the Dutch are already waking up. He said that people who reject migration are often accused of being racist, when it is Europeans who are at a disadvantage compared to migrants.

„Are they calling us racists? In the Netherlands and other European countries, natives are discriminated against because houses are given to asylum seekers. Who is racist? We are very angry!”

Mr Wilders said in the interview.

The problem is that poorly integrated migrants often stay in the Netherlands and live off benefits. In contrast, those who succeed in getting an education and are professionally successful leave the country to seek happiness elsewhere, such as in the United States, a study shows. Between 1995 and 2019, the Dutch public sector spent an average of €17 billion a year on immigration, including covering the cost of living for second generation immigrants. This adds up to more than €400 billion over 25 years.


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