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Things Are Getting Pretty Serious For Jourová

MEP Dr Milan Zver has received a response to the complaint that he had sent to the office of the European Ombudsman. The complaint was in relation to the European Commissioner Věra Jourová’s stalling, as she is still unwilling to reveal all of the topics of discussions she had during her visit to Slovenia. Namely, she also visited the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, where she met with its President, Dr Matej Accetto.

“The European Commission has to respond to my request for the publication of all internal documents of the controversial visit of Věra Jourová to Slovenia before the 29th of January. This is a major stage victory in the fight for more transparency at the European Commission. The fact that the situation regarding Jourová’s visit is serious is also evidenced by the rapid response and reaction of Emily O’Reilly,” MEP Milan Zver wrote on the social network X.

In his post, Zver went on to say that the Office of the Ombudsman has also decided to inspect all the internal documents of the European Commission that fall into the scope of Jourová’s now-infamous visit to Sovenia and her potential influence on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the amendments to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act.

“Jourová and her circle have more than obviously made a mistake in this saga on the non-transparency and double standards. I believe that her Cabinet is very embarrassed right now,” Zver wrote, who then also thanked the Ombudsman for her quick response to his complaint against the European Commission.

“Luckily, there is still some honesty and respect for European law to be found,” he concluded.

Ž. K.

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