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The Golob Government Believes That A Kilo Of Meat Has Become 92 Percent Cheaper!

The government of Robert Golob is apparently buying beef and pork steaks, as well as chicken fillets, for 0.99 cents per kilo. And they can apparently get a kilo of bread at the Hofer, Lidl, Spar and Merkator stores for just 0.19 cents. This is the price table they have recently published, boasting about how successful their idea of a food basket is, with prices going down indefinitely.

The government has published another table of food prices, showing the prices and the percentage decrease or increase of the cheapest items in the basket of 15 basic food groups by individual traders on the date of the first census (the 13th of September 2022) and on the date of the last census (the 19th of December 2023).

“Who even believes it anymore? Go to a shop and ask the customers what has become cheaper…” said MP Tomaž Lisec in his response. The announcement caused quite a stir among the public, who accused the government that the basket of basic goods, which the government monitors in the shops, does not even exist. What the government is doing is an affront to common sense, because apparently, according to their estimates, in a month or two, the price of the basket will go into negative numbers.

It is an insult to citizens that, despite the fact that prices have risen enormously, the government wants to convince us, with its special statistical devices, that it has achieved a reduction in food prices. Even though everyone who buys food knows that such prices are impossible, or perhaps they have been reduced because of the expiration date.

Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) MP Jelka Godec also commented on the published results, writing: “Did they call the merchants before the price census again and tell them which food prices in the miracle Golob basket they will compare? Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, you better go to the store yourself and see for yourself that what you are writing is pure rubbish, or just a plain old lie.”

The government of Robert Golob also recently announced that it will continue to try and convince the citizens that their basket of basic foods is continuously getting cheaper in the coming year. In addition to the absurd table with prices that they published, the government has also announced that the average price of the extended basket of 28 food groups has fallen even further at the last census on the 19th of December this year and is now at its lowest ever. “This time, it is 33.84 euros, which is almost three percent less than in the previous census. The average value of the basic basket of 15 food groups has fallen even more, by almost ten percent – to 18.42 euros,” they said. But they are doing themselves a disservice by misleading the public in this way, because the people have long ago realised what is actually going on.

Internet users have also realised what the government propagandists are doing

Internet users have also noticed the unfounded boasting by the government and saw right through it. On the social network X, a “community note” was created under a post by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, in which the latter was comparing food prices, saying: “The post is misleading. It is actually not possible to buy products at these prices.”

A. G.

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