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Although It Was Called Xenophobic And Racists, The Demokracija Magazine Was Right

Five years ago, I was practically nailed to the media cross as Enemy of the State Number 1. The (now-iconic) cover with a white, half-undressed European woman, with Arab and African hands reaching out and grabbing her, caused the Demokracija magazine editorial board to be branded as racist. Not for the first time. And not for the last time either.

“We expect you to apologise to the migrants,” the Slovene Writers’ Association demanded at the time. There was hardly anyone who did not use their five minutes of spare time to criticise us. Today, we know that we were right. We were damn right. Rape culture is already among us, the seed was dropped at the time we warned of the danger (or probably even earlier). But the relentless bombardment of superbly organised progressive propaganda aimed at convincing the natives under the Alps how the newcomers from other continents will enrich us and help us survive has done its work.

The attempted rape by two Moroccan men on a lawn in the middle of Ljubljana is just the latest case to come to light. The police do not report rapes, least of all rapes committed by migrants. It is, therefore, difficult to estimate how many of these have already occurred in Slovenia. Anecdotal information that reaches our editorial office usually turns out to be accurate. Only then do the law enforcement authorities come forward, as in the case of the beating of a man and rape of a woman by four migrants in an underpass on Linhartova Street near the railway station.

The rape trend is, of course, not centrally planned and managed, but it is systematic and expected. It is part of a system and a culture that is coming and is already here. The systematic rapes of non-religious women are part of the process of Islamisation. And this is exactly what a country that is letting people from the Islamic rape triangle (Morocco-Afghanistan-Nigeria) into its territory en masse can expect to happen.

Slovenian women are in danger today because the state is not doing its job. Including the Constitutional Court. Readers likely still remember October 2019, when eight Constitutional Court judges (Rajko Knez, Matej Acceto, Dunja Jadek Pensa, Špelca Mežnar, Marko Šorli, Marijan Pavčnik, Katja Šugman Stubbs and Rok Čeferin), on the proposal of the then-Human Rights Ombudsman (Vlasta Nussdorfer), repealed part of the Foreigners Act. The law, which was adopted in 2017, allowed law enforcement authorities to refuse entry to anyone who did not meet the entry conditions at the border in an emergency situation.

After the Constitutional Court overturned this part of the law, we wrote in the magazine Demokracija: “When migrants rape your daughter, slaughter your son, eat away at your parents’ pensions, remember the eight constitutional judges who made these crimes possible.” Once again, we were branded as inciters to hatred, but today, once again, we find that we were right. We have always been right. Even in the case where I and my colleague, Aleksander Škorc, were found guilty of racially insulting migrants. But justice is slow. At least for those of us who see beyond the leftist ideological fence and follow what is happening in Europe not only through the eyes of the mainstream media, but also by listening to alternative and local media.

We are inviting cultures to our country in which rape and violence against women are part of everyday life

Slovenia is still quite high on the list of safe countries today. Sweden was also quite high on that list. It started in a similar way, with isolated, minor incidents, and continued with rapes and physical attacks on the indigenous population. In just two generations, Sweden has gone from being one of the safest countries to one of the most dangerous countries in Europe, thanks to immigration. Things have changed dramatically. Today, Slovenia is where Sweden was a decade and a half ago. Left-wing politicians and the media see nothing deviant in migrant behaviour. Instead of condemning them, they insist that these are isolated cases, the result of an unwelcoming new environment rather than the culture they bring with them. Yes, the progressives are still preaching a sanitised version of Islam in order to protect their agenda of cultural Marxism, which is the dismantling of everything that has made Europe the most glorious civilisation in the history of mankind.

The trend is worrying. We are inviting in cultures where the rape of women and violence are part of everyday life. When they come to our environment, they have no interest whatsoever in integrating, in adopting the values of the new environment, in coexisting. It is not at all clear to the brainwashed left-wing intellectual elite that there is not the slightest chance of Muslim migrants integrating into a society which, as the Koran teaches, is vile, filthy and infidel. Why should they learn the language and receive lessons about Slovenian culture when they are happy to pocket whatever they get from their hosts? And if they fail, they can always count on Nataša Sukić and her fellow Eurabians to tie themselves onto the migrants and caress them.

Jože Biščak

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