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MEP Zver: We Will Have To Go Through The European Court Of Justice To Get The Documents On Why Jourová Was At The Constitutional Court At The Time It Was Deciding On The RTV Act

“But many players were in a very difficult situation, saying, ‘Why does only the black race count for something? What’s wrong with me if I’m white? I think that was a very racist move on the part of the black racists. The organisers should be asked how it is even possible that they brought this dishonourable policy onto the sports fields. Our own Aleksander Čeferin, who is high up in these football circles, should be questioned about this – who decided to do this and whether it was a deliberate move,” said Member of the European Parliament Milan Zver about the anti-white kneeling in football.

On this week’s episode of the show Beremo (Reading together), TV show host Metod Berlec hosted political analyst, prominent member of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demorkatska stranka – SDS) and Member of European Parliament, Milan Zver. The TV presenter and the guest discussed, among other things, cultural Marxism in Slovenia, Europe and the world. Berlec began by recalling that it was on this very programme where they last spoke about Zver’s latest book – 30 Years of Loyalty to Slovenia (30 let zvestobe Slovenij). In it, Zver outlined the work of the SDS party over three decades. They went on to talk about books that are more related to international, global events. Last year, the publishing house Nova obzorja (New Horizons) published the Slovenian translation of the book The São Paulo Forum’s Cultural Warfare (Forum São Paolo in kulturna vojna), which uses the example of Latin America to describe how classical Marxism has been replaced by cultural Marxism, the foundation of which is undoubtedly the Communist Manifesto of 1848, which contains reflections on the conditions for the creation of a classless society.

Zver: “The Communist Manifesto was the bible of the far left, which already had radical views on the situation at the time it was first published – in the 19th century, when the industrial revolution was taking place, when modern institutions were emerging, democracy was developing, and that didn’t suit the far left. It wanted to destroy the importance of the family, of private property, of human dignity, of religion. It wanted to destroy some of the postulates on which the life and values of the Western world were based.” Communism would never have established itself in an open, democratic society, but succeeded in its philosophy of the class struggle – through violence, Zver recalled. It was assumed that the material base of society (the working class) would influence the whole culture and the philosophy of society. This is also why later, in the early 20th century, “a left pole within Marxism” was born.

Antonio Gramsci – the founder of the Italian Communist Party, the Frankfurt School and others, tried to “humanise Marx and socialise Freud” (they tried to put different elements into a new theory, an explanation of the world). The project succeeded in part, and they also had an influence within the labour movement, Zver believes. But in the 2nd half of the 20th century, cultural Marxism succeeded mainly because of the strong representatives of the Frankfurt School. In both versions, the goal is power, but this is achieved in different ways. In the first case, through violence, class struggle, and in the second, through “cultural hegemony” (Gramsci). In the latter, the aim is to change human mentality, with a new social order to follow. In fact, Gramsci visited the Soviet Union in the early 20th century and saw that the expectations of ordinary people and their values were different from what the authorities wanted. This led him to conclude that there was “something wrong” with the classical Marxist interpretation. He saw the solution in social engineering. Gramsci specifically stressed the need to change schools and the media.

The ideas of the Frankfurt School were spread through the student movements of the 1960s and 1980s.

He was convinced that violence could only be used to rule for so long, but in the long term, it was necessary to change people’s mindset and culture. Zver: “It is, in a way, an even more gross violation of human dignity. In other words, it is indoctrination.” When the Frankfurt School was banned in Germany and transferred to the US, its ideas spread around the world. The ideas gained particular interest among students in the 1960s and 1980s. And these movements had a certain symbolic weight and power. This is why the ideas of the Frankfurt School were so strongly implanted not only in the minds of young people, but also in institutes and universities, Zver recalled. It is, therefore, not surprising that so many research institutes in the US are left-leaning. “Virtually all the extreme leftists from Europe came to the US and continued their work there, and this had an impact on the situation and social climate in the US, too, and not only Europe, although it was Europe that had the most massive protest movements at the end of the 1960s,” he pointed out.

The interlocutors then spoke about Jože Pučnik, who was very much involved in the social currents in question. Zver: “Pučnik was very much involved in all these sociological currents, especially in systems theory.” Pučnik was particularly interested in the philosopher Jürgen Habermas (critical theory), who is not a direct representative of the Frankfurt School. Habermas had a strong influence on both left- and right-thinking scholars, and Pučnik, focusing on the “Enlightenment project,” was inspired by him. The case focuses on the 17th century in Europe, when man, in a certain social philosophy, became the core of the social world. Habermas focused on the potentials that man has and, in his view, should have in society. Pučnik, on the other hand, took this theory and adapted it to the Slovenian situation, including through his criticism of the domestic Leninist system in the 1980s. As for the totalitarian system, Pučnik said that it was like “carrying water in a sieve,” and that the situation could change if people were brave enough.

Pučnik: socialism crippled us mentally and hindered the transition to a modern society

He also predicted that empires would sooner or later collapse, as well as the fall of the Berlin Wall (as early as the 1980s). He also wrote for the 57th issue of the cult magazine Nova revija (New Magazine). Pučnik was a strong believer in institutions. He thought it was important to establish them, to establish a democratic state, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and then “things will run their course.” Later, at the end of the 1990s, he increasingly emphasised the element of individual culture. He was angry that people were not able to fight hard enough for their rights and freedom. He was convinced that communism had crippled us mentally, hindering the development of democracy and the transition to a modern society. Pučnik began to return to Slovenia at the end of the 1980s, both through contributions to the press and in person, and later became President of the Social Democratic Alliance and Democratic Opposition of Slovenia – Demos, attracting many with his sincerity.

The world should be grateful to the West for the expansion of civilisation!

The interlocutors then turned to cultural Marxism and its derivatives, which are present in the former socialist countries as well as in the West. They agreed that there is an ideological war against the West currently going on, as the British author, journalist and political analyst Douglas Murray writes in his book The War on the West. The author states, among other things, that we white men are under attack. He talks about “white guilt”, about “the West being to blame for everything”, even though it is clear that the West has spread civilisation throughout the world. Without the West, we would still be far behind today. MEP Zver then recalled the Black Lives Matter movement from the USA, which has even been taken to the football pitch. In the UK in particular, and in some other parts of Western Europe, footballers knelt in honour of the black race, in defence of their rights …

Cultural Marxism and electoral fraud are the keys to the survival of South American dictatorships!

Zver: “But many players were in a very difficult situation, saying, ‘Why does only the black race count for something? What’s wrong with me if I’m white? I think that was a very racist move on the part of the black racists. The organisers should be asked how it is even possible that they brought this dishonourable policy onto the sports fields. Our own Aleksander Čeferin, who is high up in these football circles, should be questioned about this – who decided to do this and whether it was a deliberate move.” This is a racist act, a racist statement, and the movement itself is racist. Zver is in favour of human rights, against racism and for all races, including yellow. All people must be equal. However, it is wrong to force and transfer the aforementioned racist philosophy into other subsystems and social processes. It is an attack on Western culture. He also mentioned the case of Vladimir Putin, who also keeps repeating the century-old thesis of the “decadent West”. This is the rhetoric used by all those who are undemocratically oriented.

There is a global war against the West going on, and the attacks are coming from many directions, but the worst ones are from the inside!

The Western way of life has come under intense attack and criticism. There is a global war being waged against the West from many sides, but the worst attacks are coming from within the Western world, where radical ideologies such as cultural Marxism are emerging. Liberation theology has also emerged in Latin America, supported by otherwise religiously oriented forces, while cultural Marxism rejects even religion. But there are other instruments of the members of the São Paulo Forum being used (besides Marxism) to bring the population to their side. And it is in the book entitled The Electoral Fraud of the São Paulo Forum by Alejandro Peña Esclusa that the methods of electoral fraud (electoral registers, control of opinion polls, etc.) are described on a country-by-country basis. This type of fraud is also necessary for the maintenance of socialist regimes in South America. Iran is also heavily involved in the activities of the São Paulo Forum (through narco-mafia links), and there are also strong links between socialist regimes in Latin America, China and Russia.

Democracy in the US is eroding due to the Democrats’ usurpation of the media

Violence and populism have also contributed greatly to the maintenance of power of the socialist dictatorships of South America. The São Paulo Forum, which also got its “blessing” from Fidel Castro, is a powerful organisation with a strong intelligence network. There are also around ten representatives of the Forum in power in South America. And even more elections are happening on the continent in the near future … Zver believes that an international body should be set up to monitor and control them, with certain levers of power in the event of proven irregularities. Dictators also have the media under their control, and the whole thing is riddled with mafia and oil cartels. “We are dealing with a very serious opponent in South America. It’s about power and propaganda, and a lot of people are falling for it.” Berlec also recalled the alleged electoral fraud in the US and the related lawsuits, including against Donald Trump. However, the US media, which is heavily influenced by progressive quasi-liberals, also contributed to the Democrats’ victory.

Their activities are described in the book Unfreedom of the Press by Mark R. Levin. Democracy in the USA is also in a bit of a decline. The state-owned media, which have been hijacked by the left, are a particular danger in the US. The media scene is also predominantly left-wing in Western Europe, and the first victim of their distortion of reality may be democracy. And it is in the US that a major encroachment on the democratic process is taking place, which has never happened before (it is what the Democratic government is doing in the case of Trump). The solution is for the individual to “turn into the media” himself and use social networks to counter this. But Trump’s populism is also a “kind of resistance” against the established elites who have usurped the media and public truth, the judicial institutions, etc.

Frans Timmermans’ Green Agenda is destroying European agriculture and the car industry!

Populism has a positive connotation. For example, Viktor Orban consults the electorate every year… The two interlocutors also spoke about the influence of cultural Marxism in Brussels, which is reflected in the language (which is very different from 20 years ago) and the content (the documents adopted). Namely, they spoke about the documents adopted under the influence of Frans Timmermans, the European Greens, and the Socialists, which are destroying European agriculture and the car industry. As a result, Europe is less competitive. However, the Cultural Marxist mentality is also manifesting itself through recruitment. Finally, they also touched on the significance of the Ukrainian victory in the war and the controversial visit of the European Commissioner Věra Jourová to Slovenia, as the situation surrounding it seems to be increasingly complicated. “As the Commissioner for Values and Transparency, the Commissioner should be the first one to be concerned about transparency, but she is hiding and concealing things from us all the time about her visit. Now, in September, we will continue with the Jourová story. We will also involve the European Ombudsman, who will also have to respond to this whole situation. In the end, we will probably have to get justice through the European Court of Justice. I am convinced that it should never have occurred to the European Commission to intervene in the internal affairs of an EU country. Because what Commissioner Jourová did was actually interfere in the legislative process of one Member State. That is serious interventionism, and that is not what the EU is based on”.

Domen Mezeg

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