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Why Are The Victims Of The Fotopub Affair Still Waiting For Justice, While The Man Who Attacked Nika Kovač Was Convicted In A “Fast-Track Procedure”?

“Cinematic: criminal complaint at the end of November, a conviction just three weeks later, and the assaulted woman, who should have been the key witness during the proceedings, does not even know that the process has been initiated, and the convicted man apparently does not even appeal…?! This is really just like a movie! In other words: if what the N1 Slovenia media outlet has reported is true, plus the statement of the non-governmental organisation the Institute of the 8th of March (Inštitut 8. marec) and its director Nika Kovač, then it is likely that this is a “set up” of great proportions!” journalist Bojan Požar recently wrote.

The case of the attack on Nika Kovač and the verdict made in her absence (and without her knowledge) suggests that the Slovenian judiciary is even more “rotten” than we have thought so far. On average, it is extremely slow, and verdicts are often questionable, which is also proven by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Zoran Janković was right when, when asked by a Croatian TV journalist whether he could ever end up behind bars, he replied firmly: “No way, I have been the biggest opponent of Janez Janša‘s policies all these years, so to speak, in this area of executive power.”

What we have in our country are second-class people who have been unjustly treated by the judiciary for years and years, and who have been totally degraded psychologically, morally and financially. And in the end, if possible, the case becomes time-barred. One of the more notorious cases that prove just that, is the case of Milko Novič. And who could even trust such a judiciary anymore? Meanwhile, others fight for justice for years and years, and thus lose all their money because of the expensive lawyers, legal fees and other expenses.
And what about justice in the case of the Fotopub/sex radiator affair? Judicial mills for ordinary mortals … Nika Kovač clearly does not fall into this category. According to media reports, the man who allegedly physically assaulted her last October has already been sentenced to five months probation by a court. And this happened without her testimony as the main witness in court, in addition to the fact that she had no knowledge of the proceedings! Did the convicted person not appeal either?

Kovač and other members of the Institute of the 8th of March learned that the man had not only been charged, but had also already been sentenced to probation, from a journalist. “We were surprised and shocked by the news, as we have not received any new information since we were informed that the prosecutor had filed a motion with the court. NGOs working to protect victims of violence have been warning for years about the problematic nature of such proceedings, where victims do not know what is happening in the courts, how it can affect their safety and that it creates many hardships for them.”

“Things move faster only in Venezuela and Russia …”

The Institute still does not know whether the judgement is final or not, and their lawyer has promised to check on that in the upcoming days. it is also worth noting that Kovač pointed the finger of blame for the violence after the attack at our media house, Janez Janša, and the posts on social networks. However, doubts were raised at the outset as to the veracity of her allegations. Experts quickly pointed to the unprofessional “immobilisation” of her “injured” arm… This time, however, we learn that Kovač did not even know about the verdict, much less she or the convicted person had appealed it. Apparently, the judicial system has finally reached the bottom from which it might be able to push itself back up.

Here are some of the reactions to the news from users of social networks: “Surely we are all aware that Nika Kovač is the most important person in Slovenia for the Slovenian judicial authorities. It took less than three months from the filing of the criminal complaint of the assault to the conviction. Things move faster only in Venezuela and Russia. Very worrying, I tell you.” Another user wrote: “Nika Kovač’s attacked was found and convicted at the speed of light … Meanwhile, the girls from the radiator affair (in which all facts are known), are still waiting for their justice … A couple of questions arise here … Why aren’t the wheels of justice always this fast?”

Domen Mezeg

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