At Thursday’s session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the Members of Parliament elected Neža Kogovšek Šalamon as the new Constitutional Court Judge in a secret ballot. The ballot papers were received by 28 MPs, 53 voted in favour of the appointment of Kogovšek Šalamon, 28 voted against, and one ballot paper was invalid. The newly elected Constitutional Court judge has already taken the oath of office before the National Assembly, the Slovenian Press Agency reports. So, has President of the Republic Borut Pahor “put the final nail in Slovenia’s coffin” by appointing Kogovšek? “The activist from Soros’s institute, who is a candidate for the position of a Constitutional Court Judge? Lord have mercy on Slovenia,” former Prime Minister Janez Janša wrote on Twitter at the time of her appointment.
Neža Kogovšek Šalamon will replace Marijan Pavčnik at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. The latter resigned from his post by requesting early dismissal. We have already reported on the fact that Kogovšek Šalamon does not have a proper legal background for this role and her past performance is an indication that she will not be able to rule fairly on many issues. What is particularly
problematic is her attitude towards migration and the definition of the family. Namely, some time ago, she said that she found it extremely positive that currently, there is a majority in the National Assembly and the political will to listen to the LGBT community. When asked by the host of the show she was on at the time whether the Constitutional Court should follow the case law from abroad, Kogovšek Šalamon replied that the Constitutional Court should certainly follow the case law from abroad but that it will probably not go so far as to ban a referendum on the law. She mentioned that trends in other countries, such as Spain, where same-sex adoption is allowed, should be taken into account.
The aggressive far-leftist activist from the Peace Institute (Mirovni inštitut) has also worked at the Legal-Information Centre for Non-Governmental Organisations (Pravno-informacijski center nevladnih organizacij – PIC) in Ljubljana. This is an organisation that has actively and systematically encouraged illegal migration to Slovenia, and the activists even gave illegal migrants instructions with a detailed description of Slovenian and European legislation and instructed them exactly what to do to avoid being returned to Croatia by the police. Kogovšek Šalamon is known for her lectures on how migrants are not to be feared, and that we need to put away our prejudices and make sure that migrants can integrate into our society in the best possible way. She even lectured for the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (?!) at the seminar called “Administrative Law, Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups: The Case of LGBT Asylum Seekers.” It is more than obvious that this is a person who is very committed to the agenda of “importing” new left-wing voters into Slovenia.
In her presentation at the Presidential Palace, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, who has worked until now as Head of the Discrimination, Advice and Advocacy Unit at the Advocate of the Principle of Equality’s office, emphasised that if elected, she would strive to maintain people’s trust in the legal system and the administration in general. She also stressed that her work would be guided by the same values of professionalism, diligence, accuracy and efficiency. “I am consistent, I have the same expectations for everyone, regardless of worldview or any personal circumstance,” she stressed. We will see if she will put her words into practice.
Sara Kovač