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Minister Of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon Shamelessly Lied In An Interview For Ukrainian Web Portal

After Tanja Fajon visited Ukraine, thus doing something she criticised the former Prime Minister Janez Janša for, claiming that it was unnecessary and even “a show-off move,” she literally lied in an interview with the Ukrainian web portal European Pravda. When the journalist asked her where the Slovenian aid shipment got stuck, she made the former Janez Janša government look like liars, as she said that the new government knew nothing about any such shipment.

Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon’s appearance on the Ukrainian web portal European Pravda can be summed up with the words “conspiracy” and “lies.” The journalist first asked her whether there has been any change in Slovenia’s attitude towards the Ukrainian war in light of the changing of the government, as Slovenia had particularly good relations with Ukraine under the previous government. Fajon denied any change of relations, saying the following: “It is true, we now have a new government, but we have not changed our attitude towards the war in Ukraine. We have donated a lot of humanitarian and military goods in the past, and now we are looking at what else you need because we are preparing a new aid package for Ukraine…”

She went on to talk about support, about Ukraine fighting for the freedom of all of Europe, and about Slovenia’s support for Ukraine’s entry into the North Atlantic Council – NATO. But the journalist did not give up and asked her to stay focused on the particular topic in question.

“You say that you are looking at what we might need, but you already know what we need,” said the journalist and then continued: “Your promise got stuck somewhere. Where is it stuck?”

“I must correct you. We do have a new government, but we did not get anything from the old government on the table about aid for Ukraine. We have a decision from the past on the delivery of military vehicles, and we suffer with you, and we admire your courage,” Fajon said, trying to get out of the messy situation.

With these words, the Minister of Foreign Affairs proved that she is no stranger to lying. How will she ever be able to look Slovenians and Ukrainians in the eyes again, we wonder. The government of Janez Janša was about to donate T27/M84 tanks to Ukraine and was about to reach an agreement with Germany that Slovenia would receive SNOW leopard M26j tanks in return. The USA was also involved in the deal, as the then-Prime Minister Janša spoke to the USA Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, about it.

With all of this, we cannot continue without once again mentioning the behaviour of Tanja Fajon and the entire political left during former Prime Minister Janez Janša’s visit to Kyiv. Namely, Fajon uncritically joined in on the pogrom against the then-Prime Minister, saying of the visit: “It is leading to an escalation of the war, which is something nobody wants,” then adding that “going to a war zone is indeed a brave thing to do, but this bravery is also a risk for the Ukrainian army, which has to protect high-ranking statesmen who travel to these dangerous areas, instead of defending its own innocent civilians.”

Andrej Žitnik

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