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Comedians and Influencers Are Using the Dirtiest Tricks in Their Campaigning for the Left

The panic before Sunday’s election and the lust for power is so strong that paid influencers and left-wing comedians have now also become involved in the pre-election campaign. The actor of the partisan family Valič, Vid Valič, who is also the brother of actor Domen Valič, who performed in the terrible movie Preboj (Breakthrough), has launched a video in which he went after the current government in an unoriginal and quasi-humorous way.

One of the “tools” of the current election campaign of the left-wing pole is obviously also using the influential public figures Vid Valič and Peter Poles, who have suddenly become the “true messengers of democracy” who are so eagerly calling for elections. Vid Valič put a lot of effort into his public call, posting a video on Tuesday in which he claims that his only intention is to invite as many people as possible to the elections, while in the video itself, he tries to show his criticism of the current government in a very immature way and with rather unoriginal sketches. However, he has not yet presented a real basis for his criticism.

Let us remind you that Vid Valič also proved how immature and shameless he is last December when he spoke out against the statement of the extraordinary and experienced biochemist Roman Jerala in a way that proved that he has absolutely no respect for the people who take their work seriously, and with it, contribute not only to the citizens but to humanity itself. He not only commented on the matter on the social network Facebook at the time but apparently also called for a protest with the note: “And I predict that Roman Jerala will lose his credibility, as did Dr Ihan, Dr Beovič, and other intimidators. I am so fu… sick of them. Is anyone else sick of them and believes that the time for pitchforks and torches is coming? Come on, I just bought new ones, and they are still very sharp.” During the epidemic, the people in Slovenia had to get used to many things and, to some extent, we became very insensitive, but with his statement, one of the most popular television “personalities” in Slovenia proved that you can always stoop even lower.

Valič chose an unoriginal way of agitation
This time, Vid Valič decided to take a different path, with a video that is more than obviously a bad propaganda product, as he tried to expose his criticism of matters that the “popular stand-up comedian” clearly still does not understand, in a quasi-ridiculous manner. In the beginning, among other things, in a rather unoriginal way, he makes fun of the measures that were adopted during the epidemic, which were implemented all over the world, and not only in Slovenia, and were needed in order to maintain good health in Slovenia. He continues to make fun of the school system and also touches on media freedom, scandals created by the leftists, and corruption, which is practically synonymous with the left. But his intention was to put the blame for all those things on the current government, which has only been in power for the last two years.

His obvious bias was also noticed by a commentator, who wrote the following under the video: “This video should be called ‘go vote, just not for the SDS party.’ I would expect a little more professionalism from you; you are not 20 years old, after all.” OF course, Valič did not mention a single positive thing that has been done by the current government in the last two years, even though there are a few of them.

It is no coincidence that Kučan’s friend is in the video
It is absolutely absurd that the 40-year-old comedian, who, in his life, only had to face the responsibility of composing sketches and making sure that they are funny, is now criticising the country’s leadership, the people who have proven not only once, but many times over, that they are the right people for it. And while for Vid Valič, the only crisis he has had to face is whether his sketches are funny or not, the current government, which the same Vid Valič is now ridiculing, had to seriously consider solutions to the crisis that claimed the lives of many in its work, and was also held responsible for its decisions. Meanwhile, the plagiarist and Milan Kučan‘s friend, Boris Kobal, also appears in the video. There are no coincidences.

They bought ad space in local media – who pays for it?
Meanwhile, another television personality, Peter Poles, also called to the elections, whose pictures adorn one of the pages of the Velenje newspaper Naš čas (Our Time), who have not yet answered our question of who the person was who ordered and paid for the ad in question. Along with Poles’s photography, there is also a quote written next to it that says “we definitely need to go to the polls – to at least express in this way how we want to live and what values we want to be surrounded by!” If Poles was thinking of the “values” that Valič keeps on portraying with his immaturity over and over again, then Slovenia’s future will not be too bright.

Running a country is not a comedy sketch, which is what Valič is used to. Running a country is a job for someone who has proven with their work in the past that they are able to do such things, as this is a job for a responsible, mature and experienced person. Vid Valič is a puppet of the transitional left, who, with its approach, has once again proven that it takes its responsibility to the country of Slovenia less than seriously.

Tanja Brkić

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