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Scandalous! The Finale of the Campaign of Left-Wing Non-Governmental Organisations Will Be Crowned By Juras and Nikolovski – With a Massacre of Opponents!

The civil initiative Voice of the People (Glas ljudstva), which brings together more than 100 civil society organisations and initiatives with distinctly political goals that are incredibly similar to those on the political left – which is, of course, “a complete coincidence,” became even more active and involved in the run-up to the elections. Since they did not open an election account for their tour of Slovenia, many accused them of going on an illegal election campaign, the aim of which was to change the government. And now they have decided to crown the whole thing with a cherry on top, in the form of a concert called “Let’s Go Vote!” (“Gremo volit!”), which will be held on Friday, the 22nd of April at 6 p.m., at Ljubljana’s Republic Square. One of the performers is also singer Jadranka Juras, who obviously imagines democracy as a system in which you send some people to Argentina and others to a shooting range. Hate speech should definitely make the relevant institutions suspicious about the whole thing.

Part of the left-wing initiative, which includes the Institute of the 8th of March (Inštitut 8. marec), the Protest People’s Assembly (Protestna ljudska skupščina), Today Is a New Day Institute (inštitut Danes je nov dan), the Peace Institute (Mirovni inštitut), the Youth Plus Trade Union (Sindikat Mladi plus), the Legebitra Information Centre Association (Društvo informacijski center Legebitra), the Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia (Zveza združenj borcev za vrednote NOB Slovenija), Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor, Greenpeace Slovenia, the Citizen D institute (Zavod Državljan D), Mask Ljubljana (Maska Ljubljana) and many others, says that they are not actually engaging in a political campaign, but that the primary goal of their activities in Slovenia is to increase voter turnout at the upcoming parliamentary elections. However, the list of performers at the concert that will happen right before the election silence shows that this is not actually the case. Namely, one of the performers is also Jadranka Juras, who recorded a duet with rapper Darko Nikolovski during the coronavirus epidemic, as a sign of protest against the situation in the country, which was called Operacija Juriš (Operation Assault), where the main role is played by the anti-government protesters, led by Jaša Jenull. In the song, the controversial duo also remembers to mention traitors and the Home Guard and even calls for another round of revenge. Therefore, this content could be classified as hate speech.

Vlado Kreslin & Mali bogovi, Koala Voice, SestreMRFY, Lado Leskovar, Fraw Blanka, Ana Vipotnik & Igor Leonardi, Matter, Hamo & Tribute 2 Love, Leopold I., Jadranka Juras & Nikolovski, Pantaloons, Tinkara Kovač, AKA Neomi, Žena, PLIŠ, Roza in zbor and Jani Kovačič are all of the music performers who will join the NGOs at the end of their campaign. Among the latter, the duo Juras-Nikolovski is undoubtedly the most controversial one, as they clearly showed in their song Operacija Juriš who are the people they are most bothered by in this country. In the song, they also warn against annoying the cultural figures in Slovenia and are critical of members of the Slovenian Army Guard. Demonstrating the primitivism of left-wing anti-government protesters when they were being called traitors, the duo says the following: “If you keep an honour guard for the Ustasha and the Home Guard, don’t be surprised when people on the street call you a traitor.” However, their support for shaming the Slovenian Army, which is in the service of our homeland, does not come as a surprise, considering that Juras scandalously stated some time ago that Slovenian soldiers were allegedly killing the local population on their missions. It is even more unfortunate that at that time, the public television station RTV Slovenia, which all Slovenian households are forced to finance, did not distance itself from these false and shameful statements.

Here are some more examples of the real “culture” of some left-wing activists:
the controversial duo described the police officers as Hojs‘s police officers (Hojs is the current Minister of the Interior), who allegedly target people who, according to the duo, are obviously pacifists. “Are you dumb? Drunk? Or what is it… Simoniti. You should be taking care of the nation, not your own asses. I don’t know which of you is brown-nosing whom, but when I think of it, I tend to imagine Gorenak – vividly,” Nikolovski said in his more than obviously insulting song, adding that police officers deserve to be respected by the nation, and not the other way around. According to them, the people do not respect them because of “Twitler,” which is an expression often used for our current Prime Minister, Janez Janša. “Why don’t you come to our side instead, let good things happen. We are offering amnesty for everything you have done so far,” they said, adding: “History teaches that when politics is abusing its nation, some people go to Argentina, others to the shooting range. It is time to repeat the history lesson…” Hearing this justifiably makes one’s blood boil, especially if one thinks about how the previous regime dealt with its political opponents, so we decided to ask the Ombudsman if he intends to do anything about this song. Director of the Government Communication Office, Uroš Urbanija, also commented on this, writing: “I hope that the Ombudsman will do something about this. This is how Jadranka Juras sees democracy – she wants to send some to Argentina and others to the shooting range. If this is not a case for the police, then it is definitely a case that needs some psychiatric evaluation.”

The song in question is a textbook example of how the transitional network of the left is abusing “independent” musicians. However, rapper Nikolovski had already shown his true colours in the past. The former Vice-President of the Zares left-wing party came up with a board game called “Become a partisan!” with the intention of ensuring ideological indoctrination in children already. But what is also interesting is that Dejan Babosek, known as the director of the partisan movie fiasco called Preboj, is also the director of the video for the song in question and also the person who dared to insult members of the Slovenian Army by calling them traitors.

Let us remind you that in the middle of February, the Voice of the People civil initiative wrote up 138 demands to improve the social, political, economic and environmental situation in the country. Ten parties responded to these demands, and of those ten, most agreed with the vast majority of the initiative’s demands. Among them were also member parties of the so-called Constitutional Arch Coalition (left-wing parties of the current opposition), who are now being forced to fraternise with the new favourite of the deep state, the electricity oligarch Robert Golob. It is more than obvious that there is a link between the left-wing parties and the non-governmental organisations. It undoubtedly helps if you have the mainstream media on your side, which is extremely biased in its reports. And this completes the circle. The professional (in most cases radically leftist) activists who live well at the expense of various organisations under the auspices of the deep state, therefore happily help the Constitutional Arch Coalition and Robert Golob’s party, the Freedom Movement (Gibanje Svoboda), so they can win the next election. However, expressing hatred towards the opponent should by no means be a tool for achieving anyone’s goals, so it would be better if the duo Juras-Nikolovski would not perform. Sending those you do not like to Argentina and to the shooting range is in stark contrast with the principles of democracy and is reminiscent of some past totalitarian times.

Sara Kovač

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