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Accusations of Illegal Appointments, Impoverishment of the Programme, and Protests of RTV Employees Are Unfounded: Proceedings Have Been Initiated Due to Slander

After the recent discussion, the Programme Council of the national media outlet, RTV Slovenia, concluded that the allegations of illegal appointment of the editor-in-chief of the TV Slovenia News Programme, impoverishment of the first television programme, the accusations from rallies and protests, and the allegation that the Programme Council is doing its job in a biased manner and not in accordance with the RTV Slovenia Act, are all unfounded. However, the protesters’ public expression is causing serious damage to the reputation of the public service broadcaster RTV Slovenia, as they are unjustifiably communicating these allegations to the public. Therefore, in the same resolution, the Council called on the Director-General of RTV Slovenia to take appropriate measures to prevent such unjustified slander of the public institution, RTV Slovenia, as well as the inadmissible interference of trade unions in personnel policy and editorial independence. 

At its second session, the Programme Council held a discussion on the accusations against the management of RTV Slovenia, which appeared in public mainly because of various trade unions. The Council offered the management of RTV Slovenia the opportunity to respond to the allegations.

After the discussion, the Programme Council concluded that in the concrete procedure of appointing Jadranka Rebernik to the position of editor-in-chief of Television Slovenia’s News Programme, in connection with Article 63, paragraph 3, the Statute could not be applied, as the Acting Director of the Television Slovenia nominated both registered candidates for an appointment with the Director-General of RTV Slovenia, Andrej Grah Whatmough.

Following the discussion, the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia also concluded that the allegations of illegal appointment of the editor-in-chief of the TV Slovenia Information Programme, impoverishment of the first television programme, the accusations from rallies and protests, and the allegation that the Programme Council is doing its job in a biased manner and not in accordance with the RTV Slovenia Act, are all unfounded. However, the protesters’ public expression is causing serious damage to the reputation of the public service broadcaster RTV Slovenia, as they are unjustifiably communicating these allegations to the public.

Therefore, in the same resolution, the Council called on the Director-General of RTV Slovenia to take appropriate measures to prevent such unjustified slander of the public institution, RTV Slovenia, as well as the inadmissible interference of trade unions in personnel policy and editorial independence. The Programme Council also condemned the recent public, gross attacks on the acting editor of the New Media Editorial Board (for the MMC web portal), Igor Pirkovič. It called on the Director-General of RTV Slovenia to take appropriate measures to prevent such public attacks on employees.

The Programme Council of RTV Slovenia thanks for the reporting on events in Ukraine
At its second session, the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia also adopted a statement regarding the show Odmevi Plus. In a statement in the appendix, the Programme Council publicly thanked the editor-in-chief of the TV Slovenia News Programme, Rebernik, and all members of this editorial board, for their efforts and quality content, which created a trend in this area and exceeded all expectations regarding viewership.

The Programme Council also thanked all other units of RTV Slovenia and their creators for up-to-date and high-quality reporting on the war in Ukraine. With the resolution, the Programme Council also thanked the RTVS correspondent in Ukraine, Karmen Švegl, for her brave, high-quality and professional reporting from the war zone. With the resolution, the Programme Council also thanked the management of RTV Slovenia, the tv hosts, performers, and other employees who participated in the charity concert Stopimo skupaj za Ukrajino (Let’s Stand United With Ukraine), for organising an excellent concert, which was received with great praise and was an eloquent expression of solidarity with victims of the war in Ukraine.

Sara Rančigaj

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