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The Constitutional Court Is Deciding on Removing the Male and Female Gender From the Definition of Marriage

“Adoption is not about an adult’s right to have a child but about a child’s right to come to a family, a living environment where he or she will be cared for by a new mother and father. But given the experience we’ve had with the current composition of the Constitutional Court in recent years; unfortunately, we cannot be sure if that will remain true, legally speaking. Therefore, I invite all of you who value your family and marriage to do everything in your power today, tomorrow, and on Thursday to present to the judges as many arguments as possible for deciding in favour of children. Because we need to stay aware of the fact that there is no greater benefit for children than having a loving mother and father. True, many families are separated, but with divorce, the husband and wife lose each other; however, a child should not lose either of them. Come to the rally in front of the Constitutional Court on Thursday, the 10th of March at 4.30 p.m., at Beethovnova Street 10, in Ljubljana. As usual, all instructions for the rally can be found at website,” invites the Voice for Children and Families party (Glas za otroke in družine).

“Good evening. I am glad that I get to share some of my thoughts with you today. We are all appalled and shocked by what is happening in Ukraine.” It really is awful – who would have thought that something like this was possible in 21st century Europe. And many people in Slovenia, it seems to me that women, in particular, are afraid of the scenes they have seen from Ukraine and afraid that something like that might even come to our country. “I would like to share my opinion on it with you and reassure you at least a little. In my firm belief, this fear is unnecessary. The Russians know that the use of nuclear weapons would destroy not only their opponents but, above all, themselves, so they will not use them. Really, please, do not be afraid.” But while our attention is focused on Ukraine, the Constitutional Court will – you won’t believe this – decide on the dissolution of marriage of a wife and a husband – maybe as soon as this week already.

Namely, they will do it on the grounds that the current definition, which defines marriage as a commitment between a wife and a husband, is unconstitutional and constitutes a violation of human rights. The proponents of the constitutional review – meaning, the LGBT activists – argue that the natural union between a man and a woman, which we have known for thousands of years, is unconstitutional, discriminatory, and violates human rights. They argue that the union that made it possible for the human race and also our nation to exist is discriminatory and a violation of human rights. In a short while, they will probably say that sexual relations between a man and a woman are unconstitutional or that the Earth’s rotation around the Sun is unconstitutional. Of course, marriage is not a violation of human rights and is not discriminatory against anyone.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is the most fundamental human rights document in the world, is very clear on this topic and stipulates in Article 16: “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.” Meaning, it is clear as day that the marriage of a wife and husband does not constitute a violation of human rights. “Of course, you are all probably wondering why one group of people, in this case, the homosexuals, want to destroy the marriage of a wife and a husband. What do they want? The answer is very clear. They want our children. They want to get our children through adoption, in case anything happens to us.” And they want to get to our kids in schools as well.

In the United States, a serious affair over gender reassignments of children is currently going on because the parents have had it with the propaganda in schools
In all countries where homosexual adoption of children is legal, curricula have been changed to impose an LGBTQIA+ ideology on children, which also includes learning about how to change your gender and sexual orientation. There is a serious affair currently happening in the United States of America, due to gender reassignments of children, due to the parents having had enough of this type of propaganda in schools. And the governor has also supported them, as he banned this ideology from schools because it proved to be incredibly harmful. I believe that none of us want to ruin our children’s school days and childhood with these things. As said, the proponents of the demand for the abolition of the marriage of wife and husband and the introduction of homosexual adoptions of children are LGBTQIA+ activists.

“You have probably heard this term often; however, I believe that many of you do not know what it means exactly. Most of us know what it means if someone is a homosexual or a lesbian. Bisexuals are the people who are sexually attracted to the opposite gender, but also to the same gender as their own.” Transsexuals are people who do not feel comfortable in the gender they were born in and thus decide to change it. Intersexuals feel as if they are somewhere between men and women. Queer sexuals are those who feel they have an evading gender that is constantly changing and believe that there are more than 100 genders. Asexuals are those who say they are not of any gender, and the + stands for everything related to this topic that may arise in the future.

At three different family referendums, a total of 1,085,275 people supported the child’s right to a mother and father
“So there, these are the people who have decided to destroy the marriage of a wife and a husband, and they want the state to give our children up for adoption to them if anything happens to us. And all of them want the state to allow them and also pay for their infertility treatments, even though they cannot even really find out if they are infertile.” Infertility can only happen to a couple that constitutes of a man and a woman, who are trying to conceive naturally but are unable to do so, which is unfortunately very common now, and many couples suffer greatly as a result of it. In three referendums, Slovenians have proven to be a nation to which the family means a lot and a nation that does not allow anyone to trample on the family. At three different referendums, a total of 1,085,275 people supported the natural and human right of a child to have a mother and a father.

But the time has come once again for us to defend the right of a child to have a mother and a father, the right to be men and women. Again, we must defend the referendum decisions. Namely, what judge Jasna Murgel announced when she was still an MP, after the defeat in the referendum, is actually happening. She said that they would appoint constitutional judges who would decide the way they wanted them to. Of course, we must remain optimistic. If the Constitutional Court decides in accordance with the Constitution and the basic documents on human rights, then it cannot actually claim anything else but that the marriage of a wife and husband is in accordance with the Constitution, and that the fact that homosexual adoptions of our children are not allowed is not a violation of human rights.

Join the rally before the Constitutional Court and write to the Constitutional Court judges!
Adoption is not about an adult’s right to have a child but about a child’s right to come to a family, a living environment where he or she will be cared for by a new mother and father. But given the experience we’ve had with the current composition of the Constitutional Court in recent years; unfortunately, we cannot be sure if that will remain true, legally speaking. “Therefore, I invite all of you who value your family and marriage to do everything in your power today, tomorrow, and on Thursday, to present to the judges as many arguments as possible for deciding in favour of children. Because we need to stay aware of the fact that there is no greater benefit for children than having a loving mother and father.” True, many families are separated, but with divorce, the husband and wife lose each other; however, a child should not lose either of them.

A mother remains a mother, and a father remains a father even after divorce. “Therefore, I invite you to join the activities we are organising from today until Thursday, the 10th of March. It is really important that we present our views. It is really important that we show the Constitutional Court judges that the family is an area that is sacred to us and that they should not destroy it.” What can you do? 1. Write a letter to the Constitutional Court judges explaining your arguments and why you believe that it is not right to dissolve the definition of marriage as a union of a wife and a husband. You should also tell them why every child wants and needs to have a mother and a father. And tell them that the state has no right to take a child’s mother and father. All instructions on what to do can be found online, on the website

This year, the new candidate of the left and “wonderboy” of the energy sector, Golob, congratulated all women and people who identify as women
2. Sing the petition “THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT SHOULD PROTECT THE CHILD’S RIGHT TO A MOTHER AND FATHER.” This petition is also available on the website
3. Come to the rally in front of the Constitutional Court on Thursday, the 10th of March at 4.30 p.m., at Beethovnova Street 10, in Ljubljana. As usual, all instructions for the rally can be found at website. “I kindly invite everyone who cares about family values to join us in these activities. That is the most you can do right now. And please also invite your friends and relatives. After all, we still have a chance to do something this year, but we do not know what the next year will bring.” Namely, the new candidate of the left, Golob, already congratulated all women and people who identify as women on this year’s Women’s Day – I hope that this is not so because he already knows the decision of the Constitutional Court.
I also want to congratulate all mothers and women on your holiday. “You are wonderful, and we love you. If you liked what you just read, please write to Boris and tell him about it. Maybe he will invite me back soon. Good luck!”

Sara Kovač

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