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The Inveterate Transitional Print: In 1991, It Supported the YPA’s Aggression Against Slovenia, and Now It Has Shamelessly Sided With the Russian Occupier!

In 1991 already, when Slovenian independence was at stake, there were certain traitors among Slovenian journalists who sided with the aggressor – the Yugoslav People’s Army and were against the victim – Slovenia. One of them was also the son of a YPA Member – Veno Karbone (which was an alias used by Neven Borak), who is also a good acquaintance of the last leader of the League of Communists of Slovenia, Milan Kučan. And today, history is repeating itself once again – this time, in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As we can understand from the examples of reporting we will present below, anger and rebellion are shifting from the “covid regime” to an external enemy, from our authorities to the Russians.

The author of the controversial article continues to justify Russia’s aggression, saying that Westerners cannot understand that directing NATO weapons against Russians at close range is an existential threat, and at the same time, he also keeps repeating the cliches that claim the whole situation in Ukraine is just an “opposition to Nazism.” The paragraph in question reads as a justification of trying to achieve strategic (and security) goals by all means – regardless of the victims. This is clearly a Machiavellian approach that is completely ruthless and completely unacceptable to the democratic world. Moreover, it is clear that it is also a matter of Soviet delusions of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, who wants to be the great winner in some patriotic war. He obviously finds inspiration in his role model Stalin. Putin did not experience the horrors of World War II. He lives in his own bubble, a parallel “Soviet universe,” and he seems very eager to catch the right moment when he can finally show everyone what a hero he truly is.

In the Soviet Union, Putin was brainwashed with half-mythical stories from elementary school books about the heroism of Stalin’s partisans, and so in accordance with his depraved character and ambitions, he decided to become a modern “Russian knight,” or even a “tsar.” He was already dreaming of the glorious, “patriotic” work he would do for his country when he joined the Soviet Union’s security agency – the KGB. He is only interested in empty, glorious “patriotism,” pathological pride, while he does not particularly care about the fate of his relatives and fraternal nations. He lives in his own bubble of complacency, comfort and prestige (with his yachts and mansions) and indifferently perceives the great number of war victims and material damage as part of acceptable cruel reality. At the same time, he is resorting to intimidation methods that were used during the Cold War – threatening with nuclear weapons. However, the article we mentioned before claims that “The CIA has been working with Ukrainian Nazi collaborators and neo-Nazis for more than 70 years now” (the pure-blooded Putin rhetoric, of course, does not mention the starvation of seven million Ukrainians), and adds that Europeans have gone completely insane in their Russophobia.

The article even scandalously compares the feelings of people of Europe to Nazi propaganda movies, and Ukraine is said to have been sacrificed for American geopolitical ambitions. Does that mean that the Russian ambitions do not exist, or what? It is becoming clear to more and more people that Putin, with his “patriotic war,” which will definitely ruin the familial and friendly ties between Ukrainians and Russians, does not intend to (necessarily) stop at Ukraine’s external borders but could try to achieve some other goals, which would also be completely unacceptable for modern times, and “scented” with gunpowder. Moldova, Poland, Georgia, the Baltic states, and others are particularly at risk. However, what is most sad and worrying is the fact that at least part of the Slovenian press is still firmly grounded in its treacherous trenches from 1991 and is even trying to justify Putin’s sadism. In the past, we have already revealed the list of Yugoslav agents among Slovenian journalists, who worked for the benefit of the Communist party, the occupying Yugoslav People’s Army, and against Slovenian independence.

Borak was a personal adviser to the President of the Presidency of Slovenia – Milan Kučan
Veno Karbone
is the pseudonym of a columnist who had his own column in the Dnevnik newspaper at the time of independence and the war. His writings were directed against Slovenia’s independence from Yugoslavia and were very anti-Slovenian in the economic sense as well. The key men of Slovenian independence spent quite some time trying to find out who was hiding behind the pseudonym “Veno Karbone” until they found out that the person behind the name was actually Neven Borak, who was an adviser to the President of the Presidency of Slovenia, Milan Kučan, at the time. “Non-communism? No, thank you,” wrote Neven Borak, under the alias Veno Karbone, just six days before the historic moment of Slovenia’s independence, in his column, in which he described the collapse of the Yugoslav economy, which had already embarked on the path of liberal and market economy at the time.

In an article entitled “Catastrophe,” he wrote about the leaders of the DEMOS parties, who were preparing for independence, saying that “it will only be a matter of time before the Washington Post informs us that, despite all the so-called achievements, we are essentially just one of the ‘Balkan mutations.'” Borak later worked as a university professor of economics at the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede – FKPV), the Faculty of Economics and Business (Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta) and the Faculty of Social Sciences (Fakulteta za družbene vede – FDV). He was also the director of the Securities Market Agency (Agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev) and an adviser to the former Governor of the Bank of Slovenia, Marko Kranjec, whom he liked to criticise in his columns. Former publicist of the Finance newspaper, Stanislav Kovač, described Kranjc and Borak as a twisted pair, “as Kranjec agreed in autumn of 2009 to appoint the inefficient director of the Securities Market Agency, Borak, as the banking supervision advisor, while Boak, as the head of the Agency, never publicly disclosed that the supervision of the central bank over bank lending in takeover transactions was inadequate.”

The son of a Serbian officer who, after returning home, was completely disappointed with the development of political events in Slovenia
As can be seen from the documents of the military intelligence service, Neven Borak is the son of a Yugoslav Major Obrad Borak. Neven Borak was also employed in the Presidency of the Republic of Slovenia, where he advised Kučan. According to the military intelligence service, Obrad was in regular contact with his son – in fact, they allegedly spoke several times a day, and Neven provided his father with political information about the intentions of Slovenia’s government and the presidency, and the Obrad shared the information with the rest of the Yugoslav People’s Army. The Borak family is said to have come to Slovenia around 1970. The intelligence service found out from one of its sources that Obrad was known as a Serbian extremist who “does not allow any other language but Serbian to be spoken within the family and also speaks strictly Serbian with his grandson.” Obrad Borak was often away from home at the time when Slovenia was fighting for its independence, “but when he came home, he showed indignation and disappointment over the development of political events in Slovenia. His son Neven also agreed with Obrad’s assessments of the situation here,” the military intelligence service noted.

Domen Mezeg

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