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The Unregistered Rally Was an Insult to Ukrainians – Kučan Excused Putin’s Violence!

“The war should not be happening, and whatever led to it and gave Putin a reason to do what he is doing should not have happened either,” said Milan Kučan, a former leader of the League of Communists of Slovenia at Tuesday’s so-called peace rally, adding that he was really concerned about the fact that the whole international community has focused only on arms. After what we saw on Tuesday, it is pretty clear that what was supposed to be a peace rally quickly turned into one of “Friday’s” anti-government protests.

On Tuesday, the 1st of March at 5 p.m., a “rally for peace” began on the Republic Square – and according to the police, this rally was also not registered. Before the rally happened, our media outlet already warned that it actually had nothing to do with helping Ukraine or establishing peace but that it was just another “Friday protest,” which always brings together the left-wing non-governmental organisations from Metelkova 6, which enjoy the support of the left-wing politics. We saw Jaša Jenull, the unofficial organiser of Fridays’ protests against the government, Sandra Bašič Hrvatin, a left-wing activist, poem Andrej Rozman – Roza, who has also regularly attended the anti-government protests during the epidemic, Dejan Židan, the former president of the Social Democrats party (SD), TV show host Jonas Žnidaršič, who has recently announced he would run on the SD party’s list in the upcoming National Assembly elections, the former leader of the League of Communists of Slovenia, Milan Kučan, and others gathered at the so-called rally for peace.

As expected, those who gathered at the rally spread slogans and carried banners against war arm armament, but also banners comparing Janša and Orban with Putin, and of course, we also saw some red stars – a symbol under which both Vladimir Putin, as well as Milan Kučan served.

Kučan insulted the Ukrainians
The Top News television station also recorded a brief conversation with Kučan. The latter attended the rally because, according to him, it is absolutely necessary to protest against what is currently happening. So far, so good, but right after that, he said that “the war should not be happening, and whatever led to it and gave Putin a reason to do what he is doing, should not have happened either.” This shows that Kučan is justifying violence and is blaming Ukraine, the European Union, NATO, the USA, and others for the attack. With this type of thinking, he is not doing a favour to Ukrainians, who made their own decision and decided to try and join the EU and the West – they chose the path to a better life.

Kučan also expressed concern over the fact that the entire international community is concentrating on weapons – “on as many weapons as possible, instead of demanding a truce, which would allow for normal negotiations.” He pointed out Slovenia’s experience from the war of independence when a temporary truce was followed by peace talks in the Brijuni Islands. According to Kučan, the purchasing of weapons will cause nothing but more and more dead and wounded and will also bring growing devastation. Kučan should know, as he remembers from the war of independence and even earlier, from the communist revolution, that the nation must first be disarmed so that it is then incapable of defending itself. This is the only way to force it into submission, which is also what Putin expected to happen in Ukraine, as he wanted to use a “blitzkrieg” and intimidation to subordinate Ukraine to himself in just a few days. It should be pointed out here that armed resistance was actually the key to Putin’s failure; however, Kučan apparently wishes that Putin had been successful. It is a well-known fact that the left-wing governments have always turned towards Moscow and away from the West in their policies, precisely because of Kučan, who proved once again on Tuesday that he is on the side of a tyrant, that he is a Putinist. And the rally was just another anti-government session of the power-hungry individuals.

Sara Kovač

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