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The Left Party Wants to Bring Slovenia Back to the Stone Age: They Are Bothered by the Fact That the Government Wants to Invest European Funds in Road Transport

The essence of everything that the Left party (Levica) says is still – just the opposite of what the current government is doing, even if it results in the decline of our state. However, their motto “the end justifies the means” does not hold in some instances – especially if their claims are as unfounded as we Slovenians are used to by now. While all countries are striving for better transport infrastructure and are also making investments in it, as this is crucial for economic development, the Left party clearly wants to bring Slovenia back to the Stone Age, where carriages would be used as a means of transport.

Slovenia is progressing, according to practically all objective criteria, and is once again ranked among the reputable countries of the European Union, while under the previous left-wing governments, we have been developing with a below-average rate, and without the appropriate reforms, for a decade. And now that we are finally making decisive steps towards the top of the list of the most advanced countries in the EU, the Left party is persistently fighting against this and wants to bring Slovenia back to the Stone Age.

The construction of transport infrastructure is essential for economic development. Specifically, a healthy transport infrastructure definitely improves the development model and industrial layout of the economy. Healthy transport infrastructure improves the efficiency of the flow of factors while also encouraging economic growth in the country. Not to mention time savings and accessibility.

And in the age of electric cars, we can afford to better our transport infrastructure, without the environment having to pay a high price for that. However, despite all of the available information, Luka Mesec, the Coordinator of the Left party, obviously did not study his claims too well, which he so boldly used for new criticism, saying that the new government is polluting the environment because it is building roads. With this, we simply cannot help but wonder – in what time and year does the Left party live?
Here is what they recently wrote on Twitter: “At a time when the whole world is dealing with the climate crisis, the biggest challenge of this generation, the government of Janez Janša is “begging” Europe for money to expand road traffic, one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases in Slovenia.”

The anti-Janšaism that they are so obviously engaging with has clearly clouded their minds quite strongly, as they have confused green acts with green populism. Slovenia is striving to maintain care for the environment despite the construction of road infrastructure in order to improve the economy and the quality of people’s lives, which is made possible with electric cars – and not carriages.

Tanja Brkić

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