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EU countries to be forced to accept migrants by means of fines

EU countries that do not want to take in migrants will have to pay for it in the future. “Those who do not want to take in refugees will be obliged to make a high financial contribution,” French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said after an informal meeting of EU interior ministers in Lille on Thursday. The participants unanimously agreed on this principle, he said.

However, many details still need to be clarified, in particular the key of distribution and the amount of financial participation. He assumes that many countries will participate in the reception of the migrants, said Darmanin.

The model is the Valletta Agreement, in which several states agreed for the first time in 2019 on an orderly distribution of boat refugees. In contrast, however, admission or financial participation should be mandatory in the future.

At the same time, migrants are to be registered more comprehensively after their arrival and filtered with regard to their asylum prospects. “If this happens at the EU’s external borders as we imagine, the migratory pressure will decrease,” Darmanin said. Among other things, France is committed to capturing migrants with photos and biometric data and linking databases with each other.

Here, too, many details are still open. “Does this mean that we are holding people at the border? How long? (…) And under what conditions?” said Darmanin. These issues should be discussed at the EU summit in March.

This article first appeared on EPOCH TIMES


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