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President of the Slovenian Federation of Pensioners’ Associations, Sušnik: Pensioners Have Never Before Experienced Such Pensions Harmonisation

Recently, retirees received higher pensions. Due to the elimination of backlogs in the harmonisation of pensions and other benefits, these have increased by at least one percent. The regular harmonisation of pensions is expected in February. The amendment to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act brings an additional harmonisation of pensions and other benefits earned by the end of 2010 by 3.5 percent, and of pensions and other benefits earned in 2011 by 1.7 percent, and all others by one percent. Janez Sušnik, the President of the Slovenian Federation of Pensioners’ Associations (Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije), said on the show Tema dneva (Topic of the day) that pensioners have never before experienced such pensions harmonisation.

The harmonised minimum pension amounts to 282.36 euros, the guaranteed pension 626.20 euros, and the minimum amount for the disability pension 392.43 euros. In addition to the extraordinary harmonisation, the regular harmonisation of pensions has also been announced. According to the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia, the upcoming harmonisation is expected to amount to about 4 percent and will be carried out in February. The proposal for the amendment to the act in question was submitted by the DeSUS parliamentary group, which first wanted to enable a 3.5 percent extraordinary harmonisation for all pensioners. However, the coalition filed an amendment to follow the calculations of the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute, which shows that the deficit due to the low wages in the past is not the same for all retirees and that some are already in a better position due to the extraordinary harmonisations from the past, than they would be if the pensions were constantly being adjusted according to the system law.

When asked what pensioners can expect from the regular harmonisation of pensions by about 4 percent, Janez Sušnik said that the harmonisation is coming at the perfect time because we have seen many price increases lately. However, the harmonisation will help the pensioners face them. “This will mitigate the effects of the current situation, given all these price increases that are currently happening in the market. Especially because retirees with lower pensions will also receive the third crisis allowance to help them cover the energy expenses.”

According to Sušnik, they cannot imagine anything else happening at the moment. “I think that the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia will be wise enough to adopt the proposal that is in front of us and which we have already seen and discussed. I believe that the proposal is good. However, those who are not satisfied now are probably never satisfied with anything,” he pointed out, adding that the Slovenian Federation of Pensioners’ Associations is extremely pleased with the interventions and coordination. He pointed out that June is also approaching, which is when the annual bonus also comes. “I would like to thank the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute, as well as the government and the deputies, for making sure that this matter was dealt with. We are pleased that we have finally achieved the desired harmonisation, at least this once.”

Retirees received a whole package of good moves made by the government
Regarding the energy voucher, Sušnik said that it is very welcome, especially for those with very low incomes. Every euro counts. “Especially since it is 150 euros. That is a really nice amount. Some people say that it has come too late, but that is not true. Whenever it comes, it will be welcome.” As he says, retirees will receive a whole package of good moves made by the government. “This got a lot of retirees talking. Some don’t even believe that it will actually happen. But we can already see that it really will.”

As much as has happened during the current government’s term, has not happened under any government in the past
A post by the Party of Alenka Bratušek (Stranka Alenke Bratušek – SAB) circled on Twitter, in which they are counting down the days to the election. They promised to continue to defend the interests of retirees. So they are obviously claiming that this government has not done much for them. When asked what the truth is about the care for pensioners during this government, compared to the previous ones, Sušnik said that this is his second term as President of the Federation of Pensioners’ Associations, which means that he had worked under many prime ministers and ministers. “As much as has happened during the current government’s term, has not happened under any government in the past. Not one. This is where the biggest increase happened, and what is essential is that there has finally been a redress of injustices from the years 2010 to 2015. We did not expect that. We were counting on something to be done in December this year and something in December of next year. But it is commendable that it all came at once. It does not make sense to complain about any of this,” Sušnik pointed out.

Nina Žoher

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