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Former MP Jožef Jerovšek: “I hope that the adoption of PKP 10 will end the craziest operation of the left opposition.”

“I hope that the adoption of the PKP 10 legal package will end the ‘craziest’ period of the National Assembly’s operation. As unconstructive as the KUL opposition is in these difficult crisis situations, a sober-minded person cannot understand,” said former SDS MP Jožef Jerovšek.

“The adoption of yesterday’s laws certainly has a positive effect on the government, although it had to work hard with the unreasonable opposition from the opposition. With the fact that the government cares for socially disadvantaged groups, the opposition still voted against and even obstructed some matters,” former SDS MP Jožef Jerovšek commented on yesterday’s happenings in the National Assembly. At the same time, he does not understand the calculations of the opposition and its hysteria over the past year. He hopes that the adoption of the PKP 10 legal package will end the “creasiest” period of the National Assembly’s operation. As unconstructive as the opposition is in these difficult crisis situations, a sober-minded person cannot understand.

“I hope, however, that people, citizens and voters understand that the opposition is trying to deprive them of all the corrections that this government has prepared for the relatively very broad layers of these most endangered parts of society due to the consequences of covid-19, and that their public opinion will force opposition to a more constructive stance during the election campaign.” As is well known, the extreme Levica party plays an important role in this vile game. It is a party that has already unreasonably prevented the reduction of payroll taxes and consequently higher net wages in 2022. “This seems to be literally ‘stupid’. It is about rescuing Metelkova. The ideological profile of the Levica party is so extreme left-wing that it would be difficult to enable such a party in other parliamentary democracies.”

“It would probably even be banned, because what it is advocating – the overthrow of the system, especially in view of what MP Miha Kordiš has been writing lately – is literally cheering for the former state, its occupying army, etc. But such are the extreme leftists, and it is good that we have survived this term.” Jerovšek believes that there will be sobriety in society, that they have actually reached the ceiling, and that people will realise that their aspirations are directed against the interests of a large part of Slovenes, who will not reward them. The workers do not support them, only this urban part, the “culturalists”, who mostly live on the shoulders of the state, and who are protesting against their country and the current government, which was relatively generous to them, have great power in the media.

The election campaign will expose the unconstitutional programme items of the Levica party

As a result, they can show workers and others a false image of reality, but we hope that this will change over time, also with the help of new media, including Nova24TV. Things are certainly changing already, but it is a slow process. Yesterday, the National Assembly also appointed new members of the programme and supervisory board of RTV Slovenia, including Jerovšek, who is convinced that this will have a limited impact on improving the programme, but it must be understood that RTV Slovenia is “Titanic”, which turns very slowly. However, he is convinced that reporting will be more professional, more neutral from now on. “I do not want the matter to turn in a completely different direction, but into a professional, objective television and radio, which has certainly not been the case so far, because it has been markedly left-wing.”

Before the elections, it does not make sense to try to discuss the constitutionality of the extreme Levica in parliament, but the best discussion will take place through the election campaign. If this happened just before the elections, far-leftists might use it for propaganda purposes and export the matter to Europe, saying it is a dictatorship, a violation of human rights, and so on. It is necessary to wait for the mandate to end normally. It is important to know that sometime towards the end of February, the parliament will cease to function and then there will be elections. Of course, the parties’ programmes should necessarily be in line with the constitution. There should be no unconstitutional clauses in the parties’ programmes. “I hope, however, that this will largely die out with the elections. Their unconstitutional ideological positions in their programmes will be exposed during the election campaign, and I hope that this will be reflected in the elections.”

Domen Mezeg

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