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When “Mickey Mice” launder Iranian money and lobby against PKP10 by pressuring MPs

“KUL used to launder Iranian money and transfer it to Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Today, Mickey Mice are sending them letters of thanks from non-existent persons against the PKP10,” wrote Prime Minister Janez Janša and published a letter from Miša L., who clearly opposes the PKP10 or the current government. The National Assembly discussed a bill on additional measures to prevent the spread, mitigate, control, recover and eliminate the consequences of covid-19 (PKP10) – whereas, in front of the parliament, Zoran Stevanović is currently protesting against PKP10 with his, taking credit for the fact that the Finance Committee deleted certain articles on “freedom of rights and the rule of law”. According to him, this would eliminate the danger for the legal basis of compulsory vaccination – which already exists in the ZNB.

Tedy Miša, who signed herself as Miša L., asked in an e-mail to the MPs not to blind her with the PKP10. She wrote that the Prime Minister wrote a new deception “on the platform of tweets” that the guided artificial profiles of KUL supposedly launched a campaign of letters against the bill PKP10, which, according to him, should regulate allowances for pensioners and other vulnerable groups. According to her, this is an obvious lie, the “first part of which is a conscious part of the activation of the people – the latter is to be enriched by an extraordinary session during the holidays – which, according to the author of the letter, would nicely remind the government of December 2018, “when they voted for the end of Slovenia’s sovereignty by joining the Inter-American Corporation”.

At the end of 2018, Slovenia supported the agreement on the establishment of the Inter-American Investment Corporation, which was established to finance private sector projects. The first signatory was Miro Cerar, the former Prime Minister – in December 2018 the Prime Minister was Marjan Šarec. In addition to its membership in the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Slovenia joined the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB Invest), which is part of the IDB Group, without additional financial obligations – IDB group promotes the economic development of Latin American and Caribbean countries through the co-financing of private sector projects. It seems that certain groups in support of the agreement on the establishment of the Inter-American Investment Corporation have their own interpretations, as the OPS movement is dealing with it, among other things – which explains many things.

The National Assembly will discussed the bill on additional measures to prevent the spread, mitigate, control, recover and eliminate the consequences of covid-19 (PKP10)

At yesterday’s correspondence session, the government agreed with the proposed amendments to the bill on additional measures due to the consequences of covid-19 and adopted a response report to the audit report of the Court of Audit, the government said. Today, the National Assembly is discussing the PKP10 proposal, which envisages assistance for pensioners, farmers and the disabled, extension of tourist vouchers, compensation for serious consequences after vaccination against covid-19 and a temporary increase in the highest pay grade for doctors. The government has prepared a new set of measures aimed at protecting health and helping companies and individuals, especially the most vulnerable – we are still facing the epidemic and its consequences. A group of protesters of Zoran Stevanović, gathered in front of the parliament to oppose the new intervention law. “The police deliberately let people go in front of the parliament so that they could provoke a problem and push people behind the fence,” they wisely said – whichever way you look, something is wrong with them, whether they are disturbed by the fence, or the police are deliberately letting them go too close.

The PKP10 proposal provides, inter alia, for a one-off solidarity allowance for pensioners and the elderly. Those receiving less than a 510 euros pension will receive a 300 euros allowance, pensioners with a pension of up to 612 euros will receive 230 euros, and those receiving a pension of up to 714 euros will receive 130 euros. The supplement of 150 euros is also provided for farmers over the age of 65 with less than 591 incomes, and the disabled. Payment or the allowance is also provided for members of civil protection and pupils and students who volunteer to help in medical institutions. For the former, an allowance of 30 euros per day is envisaged, and students are expected to receive 25 euros per day. As many could not afford a leave during the epidemic, according to PKP10, the unused annual leave for 2020 can be used until April 1st, 2022, and that for 2021 until the end of next year, reports MMC. PKP10 also envisages an extension of the one-off payment for new-borns, and the proposal also introduces monetary compensation for those who would suffer a serious and permanent reduction in vital functions after receiving a vaccine (or medicine) against covid-19.

The proposal also includes several measures to help the economy

A new liquidity loan line will be provided through the Enterprise Fund, partial reimbursement of costs for the purchase of self-testing tests is planned, and last year’s tourist vouchers will be extended until the end of June 2022. In addition, in an amended form approved by the Finance Committee last week, it brings a temporary increase in the maximum salary grade for doctors and dentists from 57th to 63rd salary grade. The discussion of the amendments in the committee led to the obstruction of the work of the opposition. At the correspondence session, the government also allocated and reallocated funds from the state budget for 2021. Among other things, the Ministry of Health allocated funds from the general budget reserve in the amount of 18.4 million euros to finance expenditures related to the covid-19 epidemic, namely for received invoices for the purchase of vaccines for covid-19, for the request of the Health Insurance Institute for PCR testing and for the purchase of drugs against covid-19. As part of the ministry’s financial plan, the government reallocated 2.6 million euros. According to the MMC, the initial financial estimate of the PKP10 proposal was 180 million, but after the inclusion of the amendments, the new estimate is around 240 million euros.

Opposition to the proposed measures is incomprehensible

Monika Gregorčič from the SMC party’s parliamentary group finds the opposition to the proposed measures incomprehensible and contrary to the principle of solidarity in helping the necessary social groups. “The key message is that it brings help to around 300,000 of the most vulnerable,” said Jožef Horvat from the NSi party about the new intervention law. The law will also be supported in the parliamentary groups of the SDS, DeSUS and SNS parties.

Sara Kovač

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