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Prime Minister Janez Janša on a visit to the Obalno-kraška region

Yesterday, the Slovenian Government visited the Obalno-kraška (Coastal-Karst) region, which includes the municipalities of Ankaran, Divača, Hrpelje-Kozina, Izola, Komen, Koper, Piran and Sežana. The region’s performance figures are good, especially with regard to the development indicators, which are above the Slovenian average. For other indicators, it stands out in terms of below-average youth unemployment and total unemployment, a high level of treated wastewater and a relatively low risk of natural disasters. The Obalno-kraška region is also the only one alongside Osrednjeslovenska (Central Slovenia), with an above-average GDP per capita and productivity.v

Disposable income per capita and employment are also above average.  In addition to tourism, the regional conditions for agriculture are relatively favourable, with wine and olive growing as the most important agricultural sectors of the region. The Obalno-kraška region is Slovenia’s only coastal region. Thanks to its natural features, the region has a highly developed tourism industry, which is an extremely important business sector both on the Coast and in the Karst region.

The members of the Government began today’s visit with a working consultation at the Praetorian Palace in Koper, where they were welcomed by the Mayor of Koper, Aleš Bržan. In his address, the mayor expressed his delight at the smooth operation of the government team, saying that several projects important to the local community have been carried out thanks to government’s understanding. He specifically highlighted the adoption of the national spatial plan for the supply of drinking water to the population of Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland, which is the most important project for the area. The cooperation between the municipality and the Government was effective, said the mayor, who added that he was convinced that this would continue in the future.

At the working consultation, the ministers spoke mainly about projects in the region relating to the areas of long-term care, justice, cohesion and EU funds, economic opportunities, tourism, education, culture, home affairs, agriculture, healthcare, administrative services, in particular the reduction of waiting times for administrative services. The Government delegation paid considerable attention to infrastructure projects and to addressing challenges associated with environmental and spatial protection.

Following the Government working consultation, the Prime Minister met with the Bishop of Koper, Msgr Dr Jurij Bizjak, at the premises of the Diocese of Koper, had a working lunch with the mayors of the Obalno-kraška region and later in the day met with the management of company Mahle Electric Drives Komen, d.o.o., as part of his visit to the company’s production facilities.

PM Janša met the management of the company Mahle Electric Drives Komen, d.o.o. (Photo: KPV) vlade

At the meeting between the Bishop of Koper, Msgr Dr Jurij Bizjak and the Prime Minister, emphasis was placed on the activities of the Diocese in the field of charity. The two also discussed the role of religious communities in society. Prime Minister Janez Janša also took time to inscribe his name in the Guest of Honour Book of the Diocese of Koper.

PM Janez Janša and the Bishop of Koper, Msgr Dr Jurij Bizjak. (Photo: KPV)

At a working lunch following the meeting with the Bishop of Koper, the Prime Minister, accompanied by Ministers Andrej Vizjak, Jernej Vrtovec and Zvone Černač, met with all the mayors of the Obalno-kraška region.The working lunch, which focused on key development dilemmas, regional challenges and problems, was attended by the Mayor of Ankaran, Gregor Strmčnik, the Mayor of Divača, Alenka Štrucl Dovgan, the Mayor of Hrpelje-Kozina, Saša Likavec Svetelšek, the Mayor of Izola, Danilo Markočič, the Mayor of Komen, Erik Modic, the Mayor of Koper, Aleš Bržan, the Mayor of Piran, Đenio Zadković, and the Mayor of Sežana, David Škabar.


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