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Another crazy ruling of the Constitutional Court – did they yield under pressure from Čordić?

The Constitutional Court has suspended the implementation of the provisions of the decree, which on Friday introduces the condition of recovery or vaccination (PC) for employees in the state administration, lawyer Nataša Pirc Musar confirmed to STA, who, on behalf of the Police Trade Union of Slovenia, filed a request for an assessment of the constitutionality and legality of the decree. 7 judges (Knez, Čeferin, Jadek Pensa, Accetto, Mežnar, Pavčnik, Šugman Stubbs) voted in favour of the detention, while Klemen Jaklič and Marko Šorli were against. In front of the court, the rapper Zlatan Čordić – Zlatko encouraged the judges for such a decision.

Several constitutional initiatives have already been filed at the expense of the introduction of the PC condition in the state administration. It is alleged that there were 250 of them, the N1 portal reported last week. Some of the initiatives for reviewing the constitutionality of the mentioned government decree will be considered by the Constitutional Court as an absolute priority. At today’s session, the Constitutional Court discussed the request of the Police Union of Slovenia to assess the constitutionality and legality of a government decree, which on Friday introduces the condition of recovery or vaccination (PC) for employees in the state administration. With the mentioned decree, the government determined that from October 1st, employees in the state administration who want to work at the employer’s premises will have to meet the conditions of recovery or vaccination, while from the so-called PCT condition the T is eliminated, i.e. testing. This condition will apply to the narrower state administration (ministries, constituent bodies, inspections, police, army and administrative units), and not to the entire public sector.

“Another in a series of decisions of this composition, which simply cannot be consistently explained with legal arguments and within the framework of the constitutional doctrine of detentions. Separate opinions (unfortunately again) only on Monday,” commented Constitutional Court Judge Klemen Jaklič on the decision. How the decision will affect the fight against the epidemic will be seen soon, as many institutions are constantly undermining efforts to contain the epidemic. While many countries already have more than 70% vaccination coverage and are releasing measures, Slovenia is not even close to that, thanks to destructive forces.

He invited all civil servants to attend the new rally

While most of the citizens work, Zlatko has apparently found time again to attend a rally where he is supposedly fighting for the rights of those working in public administration. In a report via his Facebook page, Zlatko said that he hoped that the Constitutional Court would decide the case wisely. “Otherwise, many police officers, soldiers, in short, all civil servants are at risk of losing their jobs. The pressure is unbelievable. The pressure is not democratic. I urge all civil servants that when there is a new rally, those who can join us. In this way, we will send them a clear message that when we become united, we will show who really is the one who has power in Slovenia.”

Considering that it is known that Zlatko is against the introduction of the PCT condition in all spheres of public life, it is not surprising that he joined like-minded people before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. On the one hand, it is ridiculous that he is now trying to create the impression that he is supposedly fighting for the rights of police officers, given that he is one of those inciting protests that escalated two weeks ago and yesterday caused a real chaos in traffic at a time when most people were leaving work. At a time when, among other things, additional reinforcements are needed, it does not seem that he would sympathise in any way with the police officers, who are forced to take care of maintaining public order and peace because of a few thousand individuals in Ljubljana.

Zlatko says to himself that wherever he comes, he comes in peace and with love. When he attacked our cameraman at one of the anti-government protests, when he first verbally attacked him and then stole the camera from his hands, there was no trace of that love. Nor was there love when he and his acquaintance “surrounded” the director of the National Institute of Public Health, Dr Milan Krek on the road in broad daylight and started harassing him under the pretext that he wanted answers to some questions.

It seems like some are willing to do anything for some transparency. Also at the expense of public health. Compliance with PCT measures and vaccination in many countries are yielding results in the sense that they are well on their way to easing measures. One such example is Switzerland. Obviously, our country is always unique in a way, where everything is problematic.

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