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Dirty Game of the Leaders of Trade Unions: They Are Exploiting Workers to Serve the Left

According to the reports of the mainstream media, on Friday, the 28th of May 2021, the biggest protest against the current government to date took place in Ljubljana. The main “heroes of the fight against dictatorship” were, in addition to the non-governmental organisations, trade union leaders Lidija Jerkič (the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia – Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije, referred to as ZSSS), Branimir Štrukelj (the Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia – Sindikat vzgoje, izobraževanja, znanosti in kulture Slovenije, referred to as SVIZ), Jakob Počivavšek (the Pergam Trade Union), Evelin Vesenjak (Confederation of New Trade Unions of Slovenia – Sindikat KNSS-Neodvisnots) and Tea Jarc (Trade Union Youth Plus – Sindikat Mladi Plus). In total, they have received more than 20 million euros from the state budget so far. Some of them have also created little networks of businesses for themselves. On Sunday, we took a closer look at the business networks of the ZSSS and SVIZ, and today, we are continuing with the remaining three trade unions.

 It is no secret that the trade unions in Slovenia are tied closely to the left-wing political pole, but it is still surprising that two of the most prominent trade unionists, Branimir Štrukelj of the SVIZ trade union, and Tea Jarc of the Youth Plus trade union, spoke at the congress of the Levica party, which took place on Saturday, the 29th of May 2021, only a day after the “all-Slovenian” uprising, the organisers of which remain “unknown,” even though the union leaders were one of the most prominent supporters of the non-registered rally.

This is clear cooperation of the trade union and the left-wing politics, in which the trade unionists have forgotten about the interests of their members and are only acting as an extended arm of the Levica party and the left-wing political pole.

The Pergam Trade Union had ownership shares in the company called Dom grafika
Jakob Počivavšek
is the president of the Pergam Trade Union, which consists of the Trade Union of Paper Businesses in Slovenia, the Trade Union of Graphic Businesses of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Publishing of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Newspaper and Informative Businesses of Slovenia, and the Professional Trade Union of Maintenance Workers. According to publicly available data, Pergam has so far received 1,660,180.74 euros.

They had ownership shares in the company called DOM GRAFIKA marketing, trade, catering, d.o.o. (100%), which was liquidated in 2010. The company was founded in 1991. They were also partial owners of the Precariat Studies Institute, whose sole owner is Črt Poglajen. They are also partial owners of the Krško Holiday Community (7,92%). This company has so far received 764,967.56 euros from the budget. Pergam recorded between 470 and 852 thousand euros of annual revenue in the years between 2016 and 2019. IN 2019, they recorded more than 294 thousand euros of net profit.

The Confederation of Trade Unions 90 of Slovenia represents more than 22 interest groups, mostly related to public administration
The next syndicate we are going to talk about is the Confederation of Trade Unions 90 of Slovenia (Konfederacija sindikatov 90 Slovenije – referred to as KS 90). Their representative Peter Majcen also took part in the illegal protests. Members of this union are the Trade Union of Cultural Workers, the Trade Union of Private Security, the Trade Union of Air Traffic, the Trade Union of Air Traffic Control Workers, the Trade Union of Pilots of the Ministry of Defence, the Trade Union of Aeronautical Technical Service, the Trade Union of the Army, Defence and Protection, the Trade Union of Hospitality and Tourism Workers of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Metal and Electrical Industry and Electronics, the Association of Maritime Transport Commanders and Managers, the Trade Union of Retail Workers of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Maritime and Control Activities, the Trade Union of Agricultural and Food Industry of the Republic of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Construction Activities of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Pre-School, Education and Research Workers, the Trade Union of Chemical, Rubber and Plastic Industry Workers of Slovenia, the Seafarers’ Trade Union of Slovenia, the Slovenian Port Workers’ Trade Union, the Slovenian Bus Drivers’ Trade Union, the Trade Union of Retired Persons of Slovenia, the Trade Union of Veterinary Hygienists of Slovenia and the Trade Union of Aviation Meteorologists of Slovenia.

Publicly available data shows that they have so far received 458,172.96 euros from the state budget. Unlike others, their annual revenues in the years from 2016 to 2019 range around 100 thousand euros per year. They usually also record a negative profit, and in 2019, they had a net profit of just under two thousand euros.

President of the KSS Neodvisnost trade union Evelin Vesenjak proved her knowledge of Marxist economics
The Slovenian public remembered the appearance of the representative of the KSS Neodvisnost trade union, Evelin Vesenjak. While protesting against the new tax legislation, she said: “Who will fill up the state budget?” It seems that Vesenjak is just another union leader who does not understand modern economics. It is the reduction of taxes on wages that will bring higher wages to the workers. This will create the conditions for higher consumption and, consequently, more tax money will be collected in the upcoming years.

Vesenjak was especially worried about continuing to receive nice grants from Slovenian taxpayers. So far, her trade union has received 608,537.11 euros. They had the highest revenues in 2018 when they recorded 212 thousand euros of revenue.
Finally, let us also mention the biggest star of the trade union movement – Tea Jarc with her Trade Union Youth Plus. They have received 641,846.26 euros from the state budget since the year 2014. Interestingly, one of the central faces of the protest is not even mentioned as a union representative. So far, this role has officially been performed by Sanja Leban and Dalia Cerovšek.

Luka Perš

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