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Judge for yourself: Are these “works of art” worth an exhibition, or is it crucial that they are painted by the son of the founder of Forum 21?

The central Slovenian media have found a new problem again. This time the problem is that the Ministry of Culture supposedly cancelled the exhibition of artists during Slovenia’s presidency of the Council of the EU in the premises of the European Parliament. According to RTV Slovenia, the central problem is the work of the painter and representative of the left nomenclature, Arjan Pregl, who boasted that his painting was exhibited in the European Parliament in 2012. However, he was revealed on the social network by journalist Bojan Požar, who exposed that he was assisted in this by his then partner Urška Zupanec. Arjan Pregl is the son of Slavko Pregl, co-founder of Forum 21 and Kučan’s good acquaintance.

After a long time, Tanja Fajon, MEP and leader of the Social Democrats, expressed her concern again. A long-time MEP usually comes forward when she can shoot only one of the poison arrows against the government. She often pulls her influential Brussels friends behind her, who can create a new anti-state story.

Tanja Fajon shared a photo on social networks, where she deeply regretted that the works of the painter Arjan Pregl would not be exhibited. However, she also made such a mistake that she paraded a picture of Pregl in a wrong room. This was said by Miro Petek, an adviser to the Minister of Culture and a former Večer journalist. “Tanja Fajon lied quite a bit,” the former SDS MP was sharp towards Fajon. So he informed her that Fajon is picturing herself where Portugal had its exhibition. As proof, he sent her a video that the ignorance of the EP corridors was once again seen, despite her many years of experience as an MEP.

Arjan Pregl’s works (Photo: Instagram)


Arjan Pregl’s works (Photo: Instagram)


Arjan Pregl’s works (Photo: Instagram)

Journalist Požar reveals another suspicious business of the Slovenian-Brussels cultural elite, in which Pregl and his partner Urška Zupanec participated
In today’s radio news show Dogodki in odmevi, they revealed that the reason for the cancellation of the “works of art” was the work of the painter Arjan Pregl. In his response, Pregl was surprised that the government should not give him up despite his repeated verbal provocations on social media. Pregl is also a regular participant in Friday’s illegal cycling protests. Moreover, in front of the seat of parliament, months ago, he placed a huge snow phallus and wrote in red “The government is falling”.

Free opinion and professional work must be separated. Arjan Pregl is not just an insignificant painter. He comes from the influential Ljubljana family Pregl. He is a part of the so-called cultural elite where their word is always last. In a statement to Val 2020, Pregl said one of his paintings had already been purchased in 2012 and he sees no problem. A lecturer at the Academy of Arts withheld a very important piece of information.

His then partner Urška Zupanec helped him a lot in this business. She held the position of cultural attaché at the Permanent Embassy of Slovenia in the European Union. Miraculously, Pregl managed to sell an “artwork” that still “adorns” the premises of the European Parliament. Each reader should judge for her/himself the value judgment about the paintings of “Professor” Pregl.

Luka Perš

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