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How Money Was Distributed by the Government Communication Office Under Šarec’s Government: The NGOs Heavily Profited Again!

Director of the Government Communication Office, Uroš Urbanija, published the contracts that were signed between the 1st of January 2019 to the 28th of February 2021 and a list of students who worked for the Government Communication Office. Among the signatories of the contracts are also numerous left-wing NGOs, such as the Peace Institute, Pekarna Magdalena Network, and Today is a new day, as well as the Slovenian Press Agency media outlet, and the agency for different types of research activities, Ninamedia.

“To make sure that the web portal Necenzurirano (Uncensored) will not only be grasping at straws, I am publishing all of it… A list of contracts with Pekarna, Today is a new day, the Peace Institute, Ninamedia, Slovenian Press Agency (Slovenska tiskovna agencija – hereinafter referred to as the STA)… All contracts are otherwise also publicly available. But for starters, I am publishing all contracts that were signed from the 1st of January 2019 until today,” announced the director of the Government Communication Office, Uroš Urbanija, on Wednesday evening.

As some left-wing media outlets reported on certain companies with which the Government Communication Office (Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za komuniciranje – hereinafter referred to as UKOM) under the leadership of Urbanija worked, the latter decided to publish all concluded contracts, from the 1st of January 2019 onwards, when UKOM was still being led by Šarec’s political garrison, until the 28th of February 2021. As promised, this is just the beginning, as he will eventually publish the rest of the contracts as well. The contracts that have already been published, however, include the well-known budget benefactors, from the non-governmental organisations, the “independent” media outlets, to certain individuals. Many of them are the ones we have repeatedly pointed out as the companies or people who obey the orders and act against the current government, which does not support parasites, who are benefitting at the expense of the taxpayers. The money trace further confirms why it is worth for them to be doing this.

The taxpayers are supporting this
Among the recipients from the time of the Šarec’s government, the non-governmental organisations Peace Institute, Pekarna Magdalena Network, and Today is a new day are worth mentioning. In 2019, the Peace Institute received close to nine thousand euros from UKOM, Pekarna Magladena Network received 23 thousand euros, and Today is a new day received almost 6 thousand euros. Many people might think that these are not large sums, but it should be taken into account that these are not the organisations’ only sources of income and that there are even more similar “taps” of state money. Namely, Erar reveals that with the exception of the institute Today is a new day, the other two non-governmental organisations are drawing millions of euros from the budget every year.

Sara Kovač

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