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[Video] Tanja Fajon’s Scandalous Statement: She Responded to the European Jewish Association’s Request to Return the Stolen Villa With an Anti-Semitic Statement!

The European Jewish Association that wrote to us is an organisation of one radical individual, who is causing a lot of damage to the Jewish union. And as for our real estate on Levstikova, legally speaking, everything is in order …” The president of the SD party, Tanja Fajon, shocked at Friday’s press conference with this anti-Semitic statement regarding the request of the European Jewish Association to return the stolen villa on Levstikova.

President of the Social Democrats (SD), Tanja Fajon, decided to present the achievements of her party. While the government is fighting the virus, saving the economy and facing the illegal protests, the Social Democrats have – you will not believe this – drawn some posters. The situation is absurd.

Fajon, who is among the 1 percent of the richest Slovenians, presented what the SD party has not done in the last 25 years
“The Social Democrats revived the traditional First of May poster campaign with the Tam-Tam institute, held a competition, and I am very pleased to say that we received more than a hundred applications, and the expert commission selected four of the best contributions among them. It was very difficult to decide,” said the president, Tanja Fajon. After this incredible achievement for Slovenian society, Fajon expressed that she wishes that there would be fewer rich people in society and that everyone would be equal. This coming from a person who earns 15 thousand euros a month and is one of the richest Slovenians: “I wish that work would become a value again. That all people would live with dignity, and not just the one percent. That capital becomes wealth, that we equalise all inequalities.” Fajon then listed what the Social Democrats demand. Basically, they demand everything they have not done in the last 25 years they were in power. And even the most ardent supporters of Marxism would not be ashamed of their programme. “We demand and call for a stop to precarious work, the right to a decent wage, the right to employee participation in profit sharing, shorter work hours, modern teleworking, the right to disconnect, workers’ co-ownership, trade union organisation, workers’ self-management and a fund of new skills.”

Since they cannot operate without lies and since the leftists always address emotions instead of reason, Fajon then read a moving letter written by an artist called Liza. She is said to be self-employed in culture and has reportedly earned just over 600 euros throughout the year. And therefore, she was unable to survive. Fajon, of course, kept quiet about the fact that everyone that is self-employed in culture received a basic income of 1,500 euros in the first wave and 1,100 euros in the second wave of the epidemic. So, Liza was actually supported by the government, which Fajon attacked furiously.

Fajon publicly supported the spread of the virus
What is even worse is that Fajon publicly supported the spreading of the virus. When asked to comment on the illegal protests, she said she supports them. If the number of infections starts to rise again in a month, remember that Tanja Fajon supported the violations of the measures. She stated this publicly on Friday. “You know, rallies and peaceful demonstrations are a fundamental constitutional human right, and I am in favour of the option that people can freely express their will, despite the epidemic. The public is clearly resisting this, the right to gather is a fundamental, constitutional right.” When asked whether she finds it controversial that such protests are supported during a time when conditions are finally improving, she said that the government was to blame for the epidemic. She once again told her old lie, claiming that the experts have left the government group, as if the only expert and epidemiologist in this country Mario Fafangel, who is celebrated by the left.

Fajon’s anti-Semitic statement
But to make the picture of the Social Democrats’ hostility complete, take a look at Fajon’s next statement on the European Jewish Association, which called on the SD party to return the stolen villa where the party’s headquarters are located. Tanja Fajon said something that, if she were right-wing, all of the left-wing media outlets would have called anti-Semitic. “The European Jewish Association that wrote to us is an organisation of one radical individual, who is causing a lot of damage to the Jewish union. And as for our real estate on Levstikova, legally speaking, everything is in order …” Obviously, Fajon still does not understand that this is not simply a legal issue but also a moral one.

Sara Kovač

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