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MP of the Anti-Constitutional Far Left Levica Party Gives Instructions on How to Fight Against the “Occupier”

The Levica party (the Left) is not resting, but it also does not want to work with the government in overcoming the covid-19 crisis. Quite the contrary – their MP Nataša Sukič is calling for people to join her at the Friday protests on bicycles that are happening all over Slovenia – even amid the epidemic. And the like-minded people are now looking for suitable partisan monuments up until the Day of Uprising Against Occupation, as they will hang their posters on them, with which they will call for protests on the 27th of April, despite the fact that gatherings of more than ten people are still not allowed.

On Friday, we can once again expect the cycling protests, despite the fact that gatherings of more than ten people are still forbidden. And one of the organisers is also an MP of the Levica party, Nataša Sukič. We received a message in our editorial office that was supposedly sent to certain people from Sukič’s e-mail address. In it, she gives like-minded people detailed instructions for Friday’s protest and the protest that will be held on the 27th of April, which is a national holiday – the Day of Uprising Against Occupation.

As can be seen from her message, the cycling protests will take place in all of the major Slovenian cities, and posters will be put up on the monuments of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia, calling for a protest on the Day of Uprising Against Occupation. “We should find the monuments of the National Liberation Movement before then, on which we will hang the posters: 27. 4. 2021 at 5 p.m., Ljubljana,” Sukič wrote.

Fight against the occupier?!
The organisers believe that on the 27th of April, they will be fighting the “occupier.” Sukič wants people to think of as many partisan monuments as possible that would be suitable for hanging posters. She urges all those who will be able to put the posters up to then share photos of it on social networks. “Post the photo on Facebook or send it to me and I will make sure that it will be published,” she added. She then also called for people to show their support for the students who have to go to court when the hearing begins on the 15th of April. And Sukič is doing all of this without any regard for the current situation.

The truth of who is behind the discriminatory counterpropaganda against the SDS party is also being revealed
As Sukič points out in her e-mail, they have also received the leaflets with the anti-SDS propaganda, “which we will happily give to you, so you can then distribute them to the local mailboxes.” A similar thing happened with the leaflets against the financing of the army, which were allegedly financed by the left, and then distributed through mailboxes, but nobody wanted to publicly admit to this. Leaflets were also put up all over certain cities, which banned SDS supporters from entering certain places, which first happened in Ljubljana and Celje.

Sara Rančigaj

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