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The SD Party Censored Nova24TV, and the Ideological “Relative” of Tanja Fajon, Sophie in’t Veld, Made Sure that Janša Was Censored in the European Parliament!

“Spoken like someone who represents the SD party that physically removed a representative of our media outlet from a press conference,” said the editor-in-chief of our media house, Aleksander Rant, in response to the misleading statements of MEP Tanja Fajon.

The president of the Social Democrats, Tanja Fajon, published a post on Twitter, in which she stated: “I spoke to my colleagues in the European Parliament, and they were appalled. They said that no one has ever behaved like that before. They were present at the request of Prime Minister Janez Janša. They have never witnessed such a weak presentation before. What a shame for Slovenia.”

In her post, Fajon was referring to Friday’s debate in the European Parliament, at which her ideological “relative,” named Sophie in’t Veld, did not allow the broadcast of a key documentary on the journalistic and media situation in Slovenia, which would shed light on the situation in our country from a completely different angle, which is also what Fajon and some other representatives of the Slovenian transitional eminence were doing in Brussels on Friday – showing things from their own perspective.

“It is no secret that Slovenia has problems with the rule of law and media freedom, and there are different views on this subject,” Prime Minister Janez Janša said at the session. He believes that those who talk about media freedom the most are also the people who violate it the most often. This was also proven in the discussion itself, as Chairwoman Sophie in’t Veld did not allow for a video about the media scene in Slovenia to be broadcast, which is why Janša no longer wanted to participate in the debate. “Everything was agreed upon, prepared, translated and forwarded on time. This was basically censorship by the body that is supposed to defend the freedom of the media. The real, disappointing face of the #EP Justice,” Janša commented on what happened after the discussion.

In addition to Fajon, the untruths were also spread by the director of RTV Slovenia Kadunc and lawyer Pirc Musar
Friday’s events in Brussels sparked heated debates on social media. Journalist Bojan Požar also responded, drawing attention to the fact that RTV Slovenia Director-General Igor Kadunc and lawyer Nataša Pirc Musar acted as defenders of the Slovenian journalism and media freedom in the European Parliament, which is, of course, contrary to the reality, and above all, bizarre.

Namely, Kadunc had replaced several journalists and editors in the past, in accordance with their political affiliation, the reason for which was exclusively their journalistic work. Pirc Musar, on the other hand, is the very lawyer who prosecutes journalists on the orders of the rich, influential, and the politicians. These are easily verifiable facts. It is also not clear to Požar why in Brussels, they did not inquire about the real situation in our country and instead fell prey to deception.

On Saturday, we already reported how Pirc Musar made untrue statements about the Government Communication Office in the European Parliament. The government has already denied all of her lies. Pirc Musar is thus the second person, in addition to the “media expert” Marko Milosavljević, who mislead the European public and spread proven lies in the European Parliament. And some time ago, we have already reported that the Constitutional Court annulled the judgement of the District Court I Kranj from 2014, which confirmed the decision of the then-Information Commissioner to fine the weekly Demokracija for publishing correspondence between a judge and a journalist of Mladina in 2011. The Constitutional Court found that a violation of the rights of the journalist and the other two applicants to freedom of expression happened.

Domen Mezeg

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