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“Death to Janšaism!” Ljubljana Councillor Stariha is threatening with violence at the next illegal Friday protest!

On Twitter, the Ljubljana City Councillor from the Party of Cyclists and Pedestrians, Janez Stariha, accused the police of provoking and committing violence against the participants at the Friday’s illegal anti-government protests. The police had previously already stated that the police officers who are in charge of security at the protests performed their duties correctly and only used the mildest means necessary against the provocateurs. Stariha could not help himself and announced a showdown for the upcoming Friday. He also called all cops bastards and called for the massacre of the SDS party supporters. 

“Yesterday, we let the cops beat us. Our mistake. My mistake, as I got the information from somewhere, that the cops would not be violent and would not provoke us. There will be a showdown next Friday. The love is gone. Well, for my part, there was never any love. #acab #the government is falling,” the Ljubljana City Councillor Janez Stariha wrote on Twitter on Saturday, October 10th, and attached a photo of a baseball bat, with the inscription: “Attention, the government is falling!” and the slogan “Death to Janšaism!”

Stariha also backed up his message with the hashtag ACAB, which stands for “All Cops Are Bastards.” In one of his latest outbursts of hate online, the Ljubljana city Councillor is openly calling for violence. He is primarily urging his followers to fight with the police.

The slogan “Death to Janšaism!” is, of course, also there. This is an open call for violence, for the massacre of the supporters of the largest centre-right political party in Slovenia, which received just under 25 percent of the votes in the last early parliamentary elections. Stariha is, therefore, publicly calling for the killings of at least a quarter of all those who voted, simply because they voted for the SDS party in 2018.

This is not the first outburst of violence for Stariha. In the last year alone, on several occasions and without any consequences, he has been threatening with violence or calling for violence against the political opponents, whom he regularly demonizes, calls the Home Guard, or labels them as fascists.

On the 30th anniversary of the first reconciliation ceremony by the abyss under Macesnova Gorica in Kočevski Rog, Stariha wrote the following to President Borut Pahor: “You can shove the reconciliation up your vagina.”

And on August 8th, in his response to the false reporting on the attack on a journalist of RTV Slovenia and her interviewee, Stariha posted a picture of three men. Two of the men wore T-shirts with the inscription “I support the government,” one wore a hat with “SDS” written on it, and the other had a hat with the Slovenian coat of arms. In addition to publishing the picture, he also wrote this: “The fascist scum of the SDS party.”

We addressed several questions regarding the controversial statements of the independent Coucillor of the Party of Cyclists and Pedestrians in the City Council of the Ljubljana municipality to the police. When we receive the answers, we will add the relevant information to this article.

Ivan Šokič

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