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The irresponsible Friday protesters spreading the highly contagious coronavirus will be treated differently from now on!

The number of new infections rose to 387 on Wednesday, it increased the most among the medical staff and in schools. On Wednesday, we also witnessed new outbreaks in nursing homes, namely in Škofja Loka, in Pegaz’s home in Rogaška Slatina, and in a nursing home in Jesenice. The government has adopted two new ordinances, due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation. The first ordinance concerns the limiting of gatherings, which restricts the gathering to a maximum of ten people, starting Friday. Events or gatherings of up to 500 people will have to get the positive opinion of the National Institute of Public Health, but the serving of drinks and food will be prohibited at these events, said Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs. He also announced more control on Friday’s protests. On the other hand, the second decree concerns the restrictions on the sale of goods and services to consumers, which dictates that food and drinks can only be served in restaurants to those who are already seated. The second part of the decree limits the number of people at banks, post offices, and shops, as it is now defined that only one person is allowed for every 20 square meters, and employees are not included in the count.

According to Minister Aleš Hojs, the decree applies to gatherings in public spaces and other places, including private ones. The decree states that gatherings of more than ten people are prohibited. “In the case of organized performances, cultural performances, general meetings of companies and so on, gatherings of more than ten people, namely, up to 500 people, can be allowed, provided that the organizer of the event gets a positive opinion from the National Institute of Public Health,” said Hojs. This means that wherever more than ten people will gather, they need to obtain a positive opinion of the National Institute of Public Health and follow their instructions. This decree does not regulate gatherings and activities in schools but does concern all afternoon activities that are not organized by the schools, such as sports activities, he explained.

Any serving of food or drinks or anything else at the gatherings and events is now prohibited. According to Hojs, the restriction of offering food at events followed the findings of the epidemiologists, which showed that quite a few infections have recently been the result of weddings, funerals, company parties, and banquets at various events. The Police have also started giving out warnings to the citizens as the decree has come into force. The implementation of the decree will be much stricter than we were previously used to. “If for the past couple of months, we were relatively stoical when it came to Friday’s cyclists and those who violated this ordinance, /… / this will be different from tomorrow onwards,” Hojs emphasized the severity of the situation.

Surveillance will be carried out in public places
“Although the restrictions, especially those that have a strong impact on people’s social lives, are understandably unpleasant for everyone, it is extremely important that we follow them, for the benefit of us all,” the Government wrote in a press release, calling for the respecting of the measures, in order to curb the epidemic. But that does not mean that the inspectors will be able to come into individuals’ apartments, Hojs said. However, inspectors will be able to monitor compliance with the measures when it comes to private gatherings which will be held in restaurants or inns.

Changes for the bars and restaurants
State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Simon Zajc, emphasized that food and drinks can only be served to guests that are seated. “Of course, groups of guests must be sitting at least one meter and a half apart, unless they are members of the same household, which does not apply to those who personally come to pick up drinks and food,” Zajc announced. The same decree also limits the number of people indoors, where services are offered. Banks, post offices, and shops can now have a maximum of one customer per 20 square meters, and this number does not include the employees who work there.

Sara Kovač

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